Color Challenge Network Error
Can’t complete color challenge. I keep getting network error for trying to complete last challenge which is the pvp.
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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FJH#41183 commented
Essa foi uma semana bem desagradável para quem utiliza o recurso "desafio direto" ou "desafiar um amigo", etc. Foi recorrente esse erro na hora de upar os decks. O que tornou os torneios, tais como os em parceria com o matcherino, bem sofríveis. Eu mesmo precisei dropar de vários torneios por não conseguir selecionar o deck.
Grif#59352 commented
For those with this bug, use the following link to submit a Customer Support request with the Account Issues category. You want them to contact you and manually add the missing 10 dual-color starter decks:
MRQIAN#43471 commented
I have the same problem,help!
bomber#10280 commented
Can't complete the 5th on any color challenge due to a network error bug. I need you to fix this problem please.
Kort#02258 commented
"For those with this bug, use the following link to submit a Customer Support request with the Account Issues category. You want them to contact you and manually add the missing 10 dual-color starter decks:" - Grif#59352
plantdaddy83#90437 commented
When trying to complete the last two colour challenges. It says "Network Error Unable to join event. Please try again later"
I am using PC.
I should be able to complete, I have tried multiple times and multiple days. But not working while the other 3 colours did. -
TimBaaah#87925 commented
I have the same problem. Did the first 4 levels of each color just fine and cannot get into the 5th on any color! Please help!!
Irie#63315 commented
Hello, I have a problem with the color challenge I can not finish it, when clicking on the last battle, "Network error" comes out
kouhaku#67732 commented
Cannot complete the color challenge for the game need help
Jay#43887 commented
How do I get this error fixed I am having the same issue ? Seems to do it on the last colour challenge with Swamps for me ????
Dam1tDanny#59725 commented
All I have left on all the color challenges is the pvp and it won't let me due to the "network error". I have read everything here and it all says to report the issue and ask for manual completion and the decks that are rewarded for completion
EasyMakz#60341 commented
I need help please
Reaperx13#84574 commented
Cannot complete the color challenge for the game need help.
SaintWyley#53341 commented
Color challenge incompletable due to network error.
TheOneRaisinBran#20176 commented
I really can't do anything
Kallan#84420 commented
How many years is it going to take them to fix this issue?
Brun#16473 commented
I finally got to the last battle of the color challenge and have come face to face with my greatest foe on this game yet: a network error bug that does not allow me to even play the game.
Hans Karrer#31826 commented
Same. They completed it manually for me, but it's glitched: I didn't get the rewards associated with completing them.
TheMesmer#38947 commented
Grif's advice worked.
Pondaveia#94713 commented
Not sure it helps, but when I check the deck that I'm supposed to play with, I don't have any of the cards of the Standard set.
Maybe the bug is somewhere when we are supposedly given the cards from the challenge?