Color Challenge Network Error
Can’t complete color challenge. I keep getting network error for trying to complete last challenge which is the pvp.
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Network error when initiating match VS player (CC match number 5).jpg 108 KB -
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Home screen with CC reward notice.jpg 341 KB -
Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Network error when initiating match VS player (CC match number 5).jpg 108 KB -
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Spazcat02#74177 commented
Beating each section is not awarding cards properly. So if you go try to do the last section it is not allowing you in cause your deck is not correct.
Huckleberry#67922 commented
Can't finish color challenges
Rees#13529 commented
1. Pressing play on the last Color Challenge for any color,
2. PC
3. I see "Network Error - Unable to join event. Please try again later."
4. Joining a game.
5. N/A
6. After reading through the other bugs I thought reloading, or replaying the tutorial might help, but the problem still persists. -
Joker1122#02474 commented
Have done all of the games against bots for all colors except blue. I was able to do one of the final challenges against another player (for red) before I took a break from the game for a while. Now, when I try to go on, it says that there was an error and could not connect to the server. Now I’m stuck in a weird state of limbo where I can’t do anything else.
eebs13#83295 commented
"Network Error. Unable to join event. Please try again later." This message appears when I try to do the last color challenge event with any plainswalker. I am able to do the challenges against all the other plainswalker, but when I try to complete the last battle for the challenge, I cannot get into a game and the message pops up. This happens to me on Windows and Mobile. I've already tried turning off firewall, antivirus, reinstalling, etc
cardgambit#20440 commented
Any color event that I want to join in the starting quest brings back an error>
Network Error: Unable to join event. Please try again later. -
Grif#59352 commented
Make sure you haven't edited or changed the premade deck. If you have, try reverting the changes back, so you have the original premade deck.
Lexues#12450 commented
I have this same issue. I can't get the decks from completing them so i have nothing to play with in the other modes
96N#38315 commented
Same error for me.
Cannot complete any of the last challenges (Network error message). -
Kevin#93307 commented
When I try to complete the one color challenge I get an error that states the following "Network Error unable to join event. Please try again later" I want to complete these challenges but I'm not how to so I'm pretty sure its bugged. Its like this for all the one color challenges so I don't know how to fix it or if I'm able to at all.
Citizen4#06706 commented
Hello everyone, I could not complete color challenge. I kept getting network error for trying to complete last challenge.
The solution I found was to modify the deck (I added 5 random cards from my collection) save it and try again. It let me play the final match and get the gifts.
keladryofpage#31014 commented
I'm having the same problem on ios.
Discoboar#98137 commented
Hi there support people, please could you add the New Player Experience Decks to my account? I can't complete the last/fifth stage of the color challenges as it won't match me with someone, it just says network error. Cheers
LawfulEvilByChoice#32124 commented
Cannot complete final step in any color challenges, only get error message with Network Error, cannot connect to event.
I'm experiencing the known bug where I'm unable to complete stage 5 of any color challenges as I receive the network error message.
Cryptid_bo1#10492 commented
When I get to a color challenges last step to play someone online I receive a notice saying there's a "network error unable to join event. please try again later" however my normal matches load fine I've tried restarting my phone, uninstalling and downloading arena again and disconnecting and reconnecting to WiFi nothing has worked this is on Android my attachment is the error it gives color challenges is the only place I've seen it
Oshten#81245 commented
Yup, this has made the game completely unplayable. I loved Magic 2015, but this version I can't even play
ススキ#80333 commented
Same error for me.
Cannot complete any of the last challenges (Network error message). -
Halvarca#73664 commented
Same issue. As suggested in a post below, I submitted a request to support and asked them to add "New Player Experience Decks" to my account which fixed the problem.
MAKAVE7I#84015 commented
I’m attempting to finish chapter five of Chandra Nalaar
Red Vs ???? To complete all of my challenges, and I keep getting error message but Only for this challenge