i dont care about standard or alchemy - do what you want with this formats. but leave historic alone. dont make it a life format, no rebalancing of cards, do not shove digital only cards down our throat. nobody asked for this. we want quality of life features, we want a better economy and we want pioneer. stop messing around. give us a non rotatind place to play with our cards, and most important STOP IT with this digital only cards nonsense!

Legacy in paper format is what you want. Arena is next generation MTG. Wizards/Hasbro are pushing forward to deliver new mechanics, new card types, new ways of playing, and more. If the game didn't change it would grow old. Magic has always been a cutting edge card game thats a huge step ahead of all the other trading card games. They do however, understand that there are many players who feel nastalgic about older formats & cards. You can find all those old school formats in paper still, as well as a few without digital cards online. Furthermore, you should strive to be more polite, and to use better grammar. Remember, not everyone is going to agree with your ideas, but you still need to be polite to them, if you really want to make progress towards a desirable outcome.