If Alchemy goes live as planned on December 9th, expect a chargeback for every cent I've ever spent on your game. My bank just told me I could do this. It has to do with the advertised product not being delivered.
Historic is not HEARTHSTONE.
Keep your ill-advised rebalancing out of MTGA's only eternal format.
And unambiguously, D U C K Y O U for your repeated and cynical cash grabs.
Maybe I'll quit D&D too since WotC doesn't care about its customers. I'll make a book burning video!
You better put a cork in this plan before you get embarrassed. People who want Hearthstone are playing Hearthstone. People who want Magic are in Arena. Accept this reality and move back to developing your existing game. Everything is shot from your client to these new cards. You'd think you could waste a whole hour on a programmer to write in a toggle for default basic lands instead of coming up with garbage formats that **** everyone off.
I have been playing Magic for 27 years and I do not know a single player who is excited for this change.
Maybe use your money to develop your games instead of snorting fat rails of PCP and dreaming about how you can best rake your customers.