Lier Counterspells don't work
Played a game with Lier, Disciple of the Drowned. I don't know how to retrieve the logs yet, but this has happened enough times that its driven me to complain.
Every time I try to counter my opponents spells using Lier's ability, they just simply DO NOT WORK. I meet all the requirements to counter my opponent's spells, and yet, nothing. All I get is a warning saying, "Are you sure?" - to which, yes, I am. I try, and nothing happens. This is game breaking for me and my deck. it renders my decks strategy useless. I've tried it with other counterspells and the same problem resurfaces. Funny enough, this has happened even without using Lier. In which, counterspells, for some weird reason, WILL NOT COUNTER SPELLS.
Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. But. I'm fairly sure I know how these spells work, and how the rulings for counterspells work. MAYBE, in these instances, instead of showing - "are you sure?" - show us what ruling the AI is going off of. for instance "Your card won't work on X, because of X ruling."
it would cut down on the complaints y'all receive and I'm sure make it easier to pinpoint problems in the system.
How is this not a giant red flag?
VirtuoAnubis#06848 commented
same trap for me.
don't use counter spells while Lier is in the game. useless -
Random Expletives#19592 commented
"Every time I try to counter my opponents spells using Lier's ability"
Do you not understand that this means when Lier's on the battlefield, counterspells will do nothing?
Jesus christ, you wrote several paragraphs about how ******** you are. -
[Deleted User] commented
Lier's first ability is "Spells can't be countered". This means yours and your opponents.