Alchemy is bad for business
I've spent at least $50 per standard set on MTGA for the last couple of years. I will no longer be spending money on this game until digital only/alchemy cards are removed from the game and MTG once again only contains cards which are identical to their paper counterparts.
Thank you

Fix the Shuffler#27845 commented
A hand-full of alchemy cards are ok, but I can't stand how complicated a lot of the alchemy cards are. It makes for a lot un-fun gameplay IMO. They're also incredibly unbalanced.
Cavemantero#32906 commented
Alchemy needs to be tossed into a fire pit along with the person who decided that Baldur's Gate should be pigeonholed into it in order to force people to play something they didn't want to and spend twice as much money for what are effectively the same cards. Unbelievable that they did this even considering the vast majority of the player base hated it when it came out. This even leap frogged Maro's companion for the worst idea by WotC.
TheGhostofDackFayden#59569 commented
Ditto. I'm annoyed with myself for having bought the Mastery Pass. I've been so disgusted with the rollout of what's so transparently a cash grab that I kinda hate myself for even putting in the time to fill out my weekly experience just to scrape out some value after having removed my card from Arena to prevent myself from paying any more into WotC's broken promises of collections being worth anything.