Hullbreaker Horror Should be Banned
Ok Hullbreaker Horror should be banned because: There are no counter-measures, because there are no cards in the valid sets to solve this issue: 1) I can't search opponent's deck and exile/destroy it. 2) There are no land which can destroy a creature (even there is Hullbreaker can bounce itself) 3) There is no emblem which can protect you from this creature 4) There is no ability counter spell in current valid format. So this card is cheating/bugged/joy killing... I have also this card in my library but I don't like this kind of gameplay. So I think I have right to be not forced to play with this card. Either ban this card or let players to have solution for this card.

WarpFactor#87417 commented
This card sucks. I don't like Standard, because Hullbreaker Horror is broken. This card is broken.
When someone brings this card out, I just resign the game. If there was "I hate your deck" emote, I would reserve it for this card. -
Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
I cannot stress this enough, wizards of the coast ... Please do not ban this card. It is fair. You could LITERALLY JUST HAVE HEXPROOF ON YOUR PERMANENTS. Make a Thrun, breaker of silence deck. you could give them shroud, if I return a removal spell to your hand, just cast it again. FFS. Quit crying, there are so many answers. I literally just had MY OWN hullbreaker horror used against me and I thought it was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
Sore losers IMHO. -
Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
I really hate to use this expression because it's toxic AF but...git gud. It's not broken. Next y'all are gonna ask to ban opposition agent? Or bolas' citadel? At what point do you accept that you need to think of a different strategy. I don't even complain about those stupid kinnan, bonder prodigy decks.... God, they're all exactly alike and so boring, relying entirely on that combo... Then they whine and moan when they don't get their combo off... And when they DO get that combo off (rarely) they act like it's the greatest deck ever and they are gods of magic the gathering 😂😂 there are plenty of solutions for that card, you just don't think objectively enough. (It is a very powerful card, but let's be honest, so is tegrid, God of fright) it's bad enough y'all got my boy gristlebrand banned. Iona I agree with, that was absolutely bananas, but gristlebrand gristle-cannon was my favorite modern 1st turn win deck ever😂🤣
Doyleopoyle2020#22267 commented
Literally you could just cast breach the multiverse and take it from the library. As well as a variety of removal spell there are tons of options you just are not looking at this objectively enough. So that matter there are going to be some combinations of cards in the game of magic the gathering that will put you in an untenable position this is unfortunately the nature of the game. Personally I very much enjoy using hullbreaker. I do not mind having cards used against me either as I'm a well adjusted individual that does not cry when I lose. My friend once had crashing drawbridge out and on 3rd turn cast treasonous ogre, paid 30 life and cast ulamog, the ceaseless hunger, exiling 2 of my 3 lands. I didn't complain, I merely used arcane artisan to sneak jin gitaxias, core augur on his second main phase of his 3rd turn, (the next game) effectively locking him out of the rest of the game. (I drew force of will and pact of netation, there was no way he was winning that game.) My point is, people shouldn't be so salty about things. Just get better at being a good sport in losing and keep working to make your decks better. I have no problem dealing with hullbreaker horror... And the times I cannot do anything to stop it, I merely say "well played." Quit complaining about that card.
Kai#72981 commented
Just unboxed my Wilds of Eldraine Faerie deck and was disappointed to find this card. Whenever this card comes out no matter who has it, the game is pretty much finished no matter who was in the lead thanks to this card. I agree with the joykiller comments. I will be switching this card out and I will not be agreeing to play with decks with it in them. I’m here to battle it out, not automatically win by sending this card out.
Fallender#08598 commented
100% to be banned
lefthandofgod#83028 commented
Ban this card please, it’s simply not a fun card, there’s no interaction with the game once this drops. Especially when they play Fairy vandal or Errant, Street artist. Flash creatures just bounce themselves.
Eldrazi have less protection built in than this card, and they got banned for making you sac permanents ie: removing your lands making you unable to interact with the game -
Amnesigenic#59256 commented
Not even close to broken. Dies to all sorts of cheap removal, responses with hullbreaker's ability are either: bounce the removal, in which case they can just recast the same card over and over again until it lands; or bounce hullbreaker to fizzle the removal, in which case you have to recast hullbreaker for way more mana than they spent on the removal, and have no defense until you do so. I routinely die to aggro and midrange, a wide board with no obvious weak points doesn't care so much what you bounce when they've still got lethal combat damage coming at you.
Tldr: get good
CmonWHAT#01409 commented
Good control cards are fine and healthy for the game. But when Hullbreaker Horror appears, NOTHING that happened previously in the game matters any more, and there’s no point to continuing. I’m very stubborn, and I’ve tried playing it out many times despite knowing the game is over, but there’s really no variation in gameplay once the Horror arrives. That’s why I agree with a ban.
mworkman#87506 commented
Hullbreaker is my only defense when someone wants to create fields of creatures in 10 moves. Same with Pact weapon. I don't understand why people want to finish a game in 2 minutes. A match should take like 30 to 60 minutes, like playing chess.
Dreadless1988#18550 commented
It would be less of an issue if the creature's ability activated with only non-creature spells, but as is, the card is incredibly OP because every instant, sorcery, creature, or enchantment activates its abilities. Killing/exiling the creature with a spell or forcing an opponent to exhaust their library seem to be the only real viable options to counter the card, and even those don't work most of the time.
tbonehawaii#21977 commented
Ridiculous, experience ruining card with so many adopting it. Makes games so boring and predictable
Sun@0enter#83951 commented
How is this card not banned yet. Guys there should not be a one card endgame what are you doing wizards?
Also why did you make this? Like who took a look at the ruleset and was like oh yeah that's a reasonably balanced card? lol. Fire that dude whoever he is.
A creature, thats only ran in constant counter decks- thats a 7/8!? - that also has flash?- and can counterspell? -and can bounce itself? - and can return permanents to your hand?- and those are indefinite triggers?? is the most ridiculously OP'd thing in standard right now.
Come on guys bounce this out for the new set.
JakeBass#94697 commented
Hullbreaker Horror comes out, I concede, the card is broken and there's nothing you can play against it. Ban this card.
bananaCandy#11967 commented
Please ban this card
JaffyPlays#72389 commented
This ^
I can't wrap my head around why they chose to ban Faceless Haven instead of Hullbreaker Horror.
I understand that Faceless Haven helped add more reach in the overpowered and prominent mono green and mono white decks, but I never had problems with Faceless Haven. There are solutions for it via Field of Ruin, exile, and spot removal spells. It's also not hard to find a good block against it.Above all else, Faceless Haven has a plethora of replacements in other commonly played creature lands.
Hullbreaker Horror is practically impossible to beat. It doesn't matter what answers you could have on the battlefield, or in your hand. All the opponent has to do is cast a bounce spell, an opt, or any other number of cheap spells to bounce anything on the field. The decks that play Hullbreaker Horror are also abundantly filled with counter magic, so not only can you not cast something to get rid of it but that spell will be countered and they just get to bounce something else.
Most decks I can grind out against and have a reasonable chance of drawing into answers and having a good match, but it's simply not possible against HH.
Double-A KSA#62547 commented
Everything that needed to be said has been said above. The only way to beat HH is with an aggro deck that wins before your opponent gets to seven lands (which is tricky since the HH deck contains a swathe of control cards) or to get lucky with a removal card at just the right moment when the opponent has their lands tapped and/or no instant spells.
It could be said that the whole point of high-mana spells is to crush your opponent in the late game but there is a precedent; Alrund’s Epiphany is an example of a seven drop that got banned for locking opponents out in the late game with no possible responses.
I recently lost a game with my Orzhov Clerics deck, in which I had 178 life to their 16 and a bunch of pumped creatures… then they dropped two HHs, wiped the field and locked me out until I hit zero life :’(
Sarversauce#32593 commented
Hullbreaker Horror is broken.
It only goes in ONE deck (variants of them) and there's literally nothing the opp can do about it once it's in the player's hand or on the table.
This card should never have been made in the first place.
it's a complete lock down, which Wizards spent years trying to get away from...
All the player has to do is simply get to 7 lands and it's an "I Win Button".
It needs to go away. -
Dewguru#92418 commented
I have just encountered this very issue in an Alchemy match. Hullbreaker Horror is returning my spells that are still unresolved on the stack.
It is so broken, it is infuriating and worse - it's being used in a format that costs coins/gems. -
wilpowered#48730 commented
I don't understand how cards that have not resolved can be targeted by Hullbreaker.