Remove furigana from Japanese text
In Japanese writing, there is something called furigana. These are auxiliary characters used to explain difficult kanji readings. The Japanese version of MTG Arena also has this furigana attached to card names. However, when card names appear in plain text, these furigana make the text very difficult to read. For example, even for words consisting of multiple Kanji characters, furigana are added immediately after each Kanji character, which is a hindrance to understanding.
Ideal: 裕福(ゆうふく)な亭主(ていしゅ)
Actual: 裕(ゆう)福(ふく)な亭(てい)主(しゅ)
It is as if it were written "under[ʌndɚ]stand[st'ænd]."
Also, furigana are attached to simple kanji, which is also very disturbing.
Most Japanese are accustomed to looking up the readings and meanings of unfamiliar kanji and words. Therefore, I felt that it would be easier to read and understand the text if all furigana were removed from plain text.