Stuck at Checking for Active Matches on PC After 2022.14.0.4045 Update
After Update to 2022.14.0.4045 on PC when I open the app it get stuck at the Checking for Active Matches Step. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Works fine on iOS, but not PC

Myscha#02638 commented
It's July 2024 and this bug is still present in the game... the "delete AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA" solution works, fortunately. Wizards, please, wake up.
Awesome Kitty 2.0#52633 commented
Wow! thank goodness for daaviincii3 because support could not manage to suggest to ESC and log out, then login again. Instant fix!
daaviincii3#81878 commented
click on keyboard
win + r
then find and delete /Local/Temp/Wizards Of The Coast/MTGa.
open magic, exit press esc and disconnect from your account and login using another device, if it works, close and enter your main device -
ShoGUNMaster#41758 commented
Delete Users\"yourWindowsAccountName"\AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA, (its a hidden folder). Logging out doesn't help permanently since the same problem repeat every load of the game.
Jatnight#83104 commented
Simple fix for me, escape, logout, and then back into your account, worked for me
Hershlag#84048 commented
Any update on how to fix?
Rayhve commented
delete AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA, (its a hidden folder) i just deleted everything on Temp/ and it worked.
Solved ... Thx
LordFano#41047 commented
Still an issue. All previous "fixes" did not work. I even wiped my drives and did a fresh windows install to no success. Wizards, how are you still this incompetent?
MagickZach#58879 commented
This is happening to me on PC, any word on a fix yet?
2subtlehints#07824 commented
i'm stuck on this bug aswell
tried the appdata cut and paste to other location in case i need it and nothing
c1cc1ozanna81#55213 commented
I got same problem endless "checking for active matches" , I try to delete all hidden folder related to mtga, I also uninstall game using revo uninstaller and deleting all related file.
I also deleted cache/temp file disabled firewall/antivirus, I also do 3 times a fresh install of the game ,,, Same problem, customer support is useless!! I will never pay money again to Wizard of the coast games, they not worth it -
Edson#03088 commented
Without solutions?
Alvaro#81835 commented
delete AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA, (its a hidden folder) i just deleted everything on Temp/ and it worked.
Karpaxia#77632 commented
Same here, stuck since yestersday! Searching dor active matches ... Spend more then 1000 euros to this game. HElP ME.
Kajdi#97054 commented
Same story, deleting hidden files on MTGA folder is not helping.
Edson#03088 commented
did anyone find out how to solve it?
I already uninstalled and installed three times
I deleted the files AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA and it doesn't work
2oreos_1cup#35591 commented
everytime it keeps getting stuck at searching for active mathes, does anyone know how to fix it.
Salamel#93208 commented
delete AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA work for me too ! thanks Nosea !
nosesa#53557 commented
delete AppData\Local\Temp\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA, (its a hidden folder) i just deleted everything on Temp/ and it worked.
Salamel#93208 commented
**** feel nice to pay for something this broken ...