Emergence Ultimatum needs to be banned
Emergence Ultimatum should be banned
SpongB6F1#63660 commented
Emergent Ultimatum is almost always game-ending, though sometimes in a painfully protracted way, involving overwhelming disadvantage.
Historic ranked is completely infested with Emergent Ultimatum decks. There are any number of ways to cheat the card into play, but it doesn’t matter, because playing the card often wins games by itself at any stage of the game, invalidating any previous gameplay or board state. A winning combo is almost always coming. The player just needs to waste time until Ultimatum. It is non-interactive and completely un-fun.
Why is Wizards so completely terrified of banning obviously unfair and supremely annoying cards? What is the point of their “balanced” digital format, if they only tweak a tiny fraction of their most ill-conceived cards? Do they even consider whether a card is fun for everyone, or just how many tournaments it’s winning for a tiny fraction of narcissistic super nerds?