Mac performance issue after 6/2 update
Slower performance/fps since 6/2 update.

kaujen#63400 commented
Still unplayable :(
ztm#14879 commented
The game is unplayable on Mac (at least some of them) since the 6/2 patch. Could you please do something?
Matrix Architect#49691 commented
Still unplayable after latest update. Sad
Tronstoner#43125 commented
I will not spend a single dollar on this game anymore until this gets fixed. What a joke!
kohlinite#75833 commented
Any update at all would be great to see. I have a Windows desktop as well, so I can still play there, but I really much prefer being able to sit in my armchair with my laptop.
While we're at it, can we get the aspect ratio issue looked at? On 16:10 monitors, when a card is flashed up on screen on either the left or right sides, it is cut off significantly as the card positioning is for a 16:9 monitor (we are effectively losing a bit over 5% of the screen on each side). On my Windows machine, I can just force it into a 16:9 aspect ratio, and it letterboxes just fine (though occasionally I have to reset it, generally after an update). On the Mac, it's locked to whatever the desktop virtual resolution is.
MarcoM#50916 commented
Why is it so hard for Wizards and Epic to do a simple card game in a way it is playable??? (Look at Heartstone…)
We are not talking about a high graphics intense realtime game. (And they are playable on my machine without problems)
Come on. You can do it. The game is nearly unplayable right now. -
spinlock#73353 commented
Still unplayable.
Canon#65859 commented
I have played Shadowverse and Hearthstone. I never thought a bug like this would last more than two weeks.
Macewindu420#74669 commented
It has now been two weeks since this issue started and it still hasn't even been acknowledged by a real person at Wizards. If this was any company in the CCG industry they would have acknowledged it and fixed it within days.
SCHIEPPO#55381 commented
They do not need mac players like us, we are too few. So is not a priority to fix this bug. Even the support team do not reply anymore if involved.
bamboocha#22573 commented
Still the same terrible performance after today's update. It's getting ridiculous.
mooncool#56428 commented
Do they even read this?
manub#91324 commented
Is there any news on this?
Matrix Architect#49691 commented
Same here
Canon#65859 commented
When could you fix the bug? it makes the game unplayable on MacOS.
mooncool#56428 commented
Someone on reddit said there was a fix in the FAQ but I can't find it. Where is it?
If an opponent uses custom sleeves the game chugs and I have to just concede or I start roping.
mooncool#56428 commented
It's still barely playable with the lowest graphics settings.
cmdrstephen#08960 commented
I know it's not a great work around, but if you're still on an intel based Mac, I just used bootcamp to install windows. I know I know, but it's lag free, and only took about 30 min to do the whole thing from install to playing. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.
ArchmageBaenre#20064 commented
FWIW, I went to play a couple matches against Sparky ( I was already using a non-animated sleeve and I went with "no pet" ) -- still felt laggy compared to pre-6/2 update performance, but definitely somewhat improved compared to having a pet. Having to restrict my sleeve and pet choices for only partially improved performance (or, frankly, just play less altogether) is a real bummer. Hope this gets fixed soon.
paulage#33048 commented
after update its unplayable on my brand new macbook pro. it’s an 8-core w 32GB of ram.