Missing card in collection
I received a another copy of Luminarch Aspirant last week. It appears in my collection, but can not be added to any decks.
It shows as a valid card when added to new decks, but when any deck Save is attempted, its missing from my collection.

whatthefloyd#77222 commented
Iridescent Vinelasher does not appear in my collection when I try to craft it.
StillGathering#36211 commented
oh hey this happened to me too but with the new Wastes land
mister cap#89616 commented
I am having the same problem with Luminarch Aspirant and Triumphant Adventurer
Sad avocado#04836 commented
i have the EXACT same Problem, Luminarch Aspirant i can only add one copy when i clearly have two, makes no sense
bonsai#70698 commented
Per earlier, here's a 116 card deck being played "live" on Alchemy. I'm going to make a top-level post as this is a serious easily easily replicated game-breaking bug.
Lilymonad#52390 commented
Same issue with meathook massacre. I got two copies of it from last league awards and wanted to add them to a deck. First screenshot shows the mobile app telling i have 4 copies. Second screenshot is the same app telling me it is not in my collection when saving this dummy deck
bonsai#70698 commented
As an extra-fun extra follow-up, one can make (and PLAY!) a deck of, basically any size (I've tried up to 111 cards atm), by Saving an invalid deck with one of these "phantom cards" added to it.
One this deck is saved, you can safely remove any/all triggering "phantom" cards, and add ANY number of cards to this deck.
See screenshots, but yes this deck "Going Infinite" has 111 cards. It's hard to tell in the browser, but indeed ALL of these cards are playable in-game.
This is a MAJOR bug and a CRITICAL game-breaking issue.
bonsai#70698 commented
As a "fun" follow-up. I can add a single Luminarch Aspirant to ANY deck making it 61 cards AND it will let me play with a 61 card deck!
So I guess this is a "feature" and not a "bug". ;)
LuckyLurching#46479 commented
No where to be found but I got the green one
LuckyLurching#46479 commented
This is huge to me I've already had it happen 3 times once including a mastery dragon the blue one
I will take pics -
fishtrees77#61100 commented
I have the exact same issue.
druncan#20749 commented
I am having the same problem with luminarch aspirant, ochre jelly, and oran-rief ooze among others that I have yet to identify.
bonsai#70698 commented
I just confirmed the same issue with Lier, Disciple of the Drowned. My collection shows I have 4, but at most only 2 are able to be added to a deck.
FWIW, I'm the original poster on this thread. Mac M1 Air, OSX Monterey
Mr. Biggs#61166 commented
Screen recording of my issue
Mr. Biggs#61166 commented
It shows I have 4 luminarch aspirant but only lets me play with 3. Adding 4 makes my deck invalid bc it says I don't own the card but no option to craft it...
Batalha#51578 commented
I'm having the same problem with 2 copies of Esika's Charriot and 1 Elllywick Tumbletrum
chrisstpierre#89008 commented
Same problem every time I create a new deck. I can’t figure out what the offending cards are. Very frustrating.
gift_of_fangs#68980 commented
Same issue, also with Luminarch Aspirant. I have two copies according to my inventory, but when I add two copies to a deck, it returns as invalid
BaneOfLeviathan#93104 commented
I am having the same problem with AOchre jelly