Alchemy cards with different names should have different art
The latest Alchemy release (Baldur's Gate) includes new cards with the same art as existing cards in other formats (such as Commander Legends: Baldur's Gate), even though the Alchemy cards have different names and abilities. Two different card names should NEVER use the same art.
Another example is The Hourglass Coven, which pulls cards from a spellbook in which all 9 options have different names but the same art as The Hourglass Coven itself. This is terrible to have 10 different cards with different names and different abilities that all have the same art. Even worse, when the creatures are on the battlefield, the card art is the only thing you see -- not the name or the abilities. Since every "Hag" card looks exactly the same on the battlefield, there is no way to tell them apart without moving the mouse over each individual card image to expand the details. This slows down gameplay and makes an already complicated game much more difficult, particularly when playing on mobile devices; moreover, it provides additional information to your opponent since they can see when you are viewing individual cards on the battlefield.
This is also an issue for Specialize cards that use the same art for each of the specialized versions (some do, and some don't, so even this is inconsistent).
I am aware of Magic players who have reading disabilities, but they are able to play the game (and play it well) by remembering what cards do by their art. Using the same art for cards with different names and abilities may therefore be considered an ADA violation at worst, or a severe usability problem at best.
Be aware that I have purchased the Mastery Pass for every card release on MTGA since its inception... until this one. I refuse to contribute to the degradation of this platform, and I sincerely hope "voting with my dollar" (along with everyone else who feels the same) will send a clear message to the game developers that they have greatly misstepped with this digital-only set release.