Ban Liliana of the Veil and Sheoldred the Apocalypse IMMEDIATELY
Because of your poor decision to include these cards in Dominaria United, the black based decks have taken over all the formats (Explorer and Standard) making the game uplayable and ruining the play experience.
Please ban these cards immediately.
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vulpix13#24312 commented
They need to stop printing cards than punish drawing, this is Narset all over. It is completely unfun when you opponent is killing you for free, just for trying to draw a card to deal with thier threat.
Dingus Egg#04267 commented
Just remove her.
Blanc#52714 commented
This card is being abused in severe, game-breaking, unintended exploits which leads to uninteractive gameplay & anti-fun scenarios. It NEEDS to be banned from all formats, immediately.