Searing blood didn't trigger
- Give us the steps to reproduce the bug When playing the card "Searing Blood", targeting, dealing damage and killing Elemental Token produced by Young Pyromancer with it - the bonus damage (3 damage to the creature controller) don't trigger.
- Note which platform you’re using (PC, Mac, Android, or iOS) PC
- Enter the actual results you’re experiencing Searing Blood didn't trigger (deal 3 damage to creature controler) after it dealt damage to Young Pyromancer's Elemental token and killed it. Result was a match loss (opponent had exactly 3 life and killed me next turn).
- Enter the expected results of the feature Searing Blood dealing 3 damage to token's controller after the token died.
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos Not able to catch it on the screenshot
- If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps. No workaround found

FalkTysse#06133 commented
it happend twice. I killed the minion but the 3 damage that should have gone to face wiffed.
During the Timeless Metagame challenge, my opponent had a Leyline of Sanctity in play. He also had a Gilded Goose, and a food token from the goose.
On my turn, I cast Searing Blood on the Gilded Goose, he activated the food token in response.
The goose died, but he did not take 3 damage from Searing Blood.
Searing Blood does not target the player, so it should have gotten around Leyline of Sanctity.
I ultimately won this game due to other factors, but Searing Blood not dealing my opponent damage almost cost me the entire thing.
Unless I am mistaken, this is bugged.
Lieriguang#87246 commented
seems to me like Searing Blood does not trigger on the opponents turn at all - like the loss of life does not occur
Relinthos#83195 commented
Similar issue. Searing blood 3 damage trigger not going off.
decolinize#35009 commented
this has been happening to me too