Didnt receive card: Elesh Norn Full Art
I did not receive Elesh Norn, despite buying and claiming her in the store for 4000 gold. As you can see, I am left with 100 gold, but no Elesh Norn Full Art. Is there anything that can be done?
Edit: Forgot to mention the steps that caused this, but I had done this:
1) Logged In
2) Played one round of Standard
3) Saw a deal being offered in the store, clicked.
4) Elesh Norn was the first deal in the list, I bought her immediately for the 4000 gold. As you can see, the deal is gone, so I should have her.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
uw_bigtrav44#35693 commented
Bought Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite in Phyrexian 5/14/2023 at a discount in the store but doesn't show in my collection. And I don't have screen shots. Just started game in the last month but I'm pretty sure that's a great card.