Mondrak causing Draws and timeouts.
Please fix this cool card. Search for its name here and you'll find a number of interactions that currently don't work properly or cause the server to crash.
It should not be difficult for a videogame in 2023 to put a really big number in text on top of a sprite of tokens and say 'here's 10000 tokens' etc. And then to create a special case when there's more than say fifty triggers, to handle the triggers in a big batch and let the player accept or ignore n1000 of them at a time. This is not too complicated and should be fundamental to handling the kind of effects that happens in games of Magic. MTGO could handle this without crashing, how is it still impossible for Arena?
It really pains me that it's apparently just fine for people to play cheerless
flavourless value decks all day every day, with zero issues, but deckbuilders who pour their energies into trying to do creative stuff, especially with combo or tokens, are continually penalised. This is not Magic. It's not how it was envisioned and it's not what made the game great, and it's doing a poor job of serving the thousands of players who want to do cool flashy stuff. Having the server nope out just because oh no you made a few 100 tokens is honestly just sad - Arena should be the place to see these cards at their finest, but instead, we're stuck playing paper and writing those really big numbers of a piece of paper (actually, not even because trying to do that math at the table is far too mindboggling...).