MOM Multiverse Legends slot feedback - Alchemy Adjusment
Please adjust the card selection for these special slots, choosing huge bombs really screws with the format and makes it feel pretty ******. Losing out of nowhere to stuff you can't really play around really kills the fun to begin with, but losing to old cards in a new set just adds salt.
BRO handled it okay, as the cards were at least interesting changes and didn't totally warp the format. I get that MOM has bombs as a theme and people like opening bombs, but it's still annoying as it seems to be "normal" part of the sets now.
I would suggest that Alchemy for release week of new sets to be "de-specialized" with just the normal cards in the set, without the fancy slots. Alchemy is dead that week anyways, so no real loss, but really gives a different flavor to the set and a bit more respect to the work of the designers that made it.