Mana Bugs
I'm sorry for bothering you again but I met a new bug 2 times on the same game which caused me a loss and making me end my draft run.
first time: I was going to use "Aerial boost" using the convoke ability. I tapped the mana very carefully playing "sayba cryptomancer" first and, as soon as I was going to play aerial boost, the game skipped the phase going directly on the damage one. Here the logLog20230520192324.log
second time: the following round, I had the mana to play something on the second mainphase but it autoskipped my round making me ending it and loosing the following one. here the logLog20230520192411.log
I'm meeting these kind of bugs very often this week, is there anything I can do?
Thank you in advance.
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[Deleted User] commented
That sounds like there's a Phyrecian Censor on the field.