Some cards don't function correctly in brawl formats without sideboards
Cards such as "Vivien, Arkbow Ranger" allow you to bring in cards "from outside the game" (i.e., from your sideboard). Since brawl decks can't be built to include sideboards, none of these effects work. Decks for the brawl formats should allow sideboards, even though brawl is always Bo1, so these cards can function correctly.
derekfnord#42343 commented
@sparksfamilyvalues#95319: I understand that. My point is, as long as cards like Vivien use a sideboard as the place they get cards "from outside the game," they'll never work right in brawl. If that's intentional, then I guess okay, whatever. But if not, then you should be allowed to set up a sideboard for those cards to pull from, even if that sideboard is never actually used as a traditional sideboard.
[Deleted User] commented
Brawl, like Commander, has never included a sideboard