Received Starter Deck without having a chance to pick one - new patch 7/19
Received Starter Deck without picking it after latest patch.
Checked my collection and found the Grave Secrets starter deck, but I had never had a chance to pick a deck.
Last Starter Deck duel I played was with the BU one (for the daily quest), so it doesn't make sense to me... thoughts?
alurenswarm326#36585 commented
I am also confused about the starter deck situation. I was under the impression it was intended to be allowed to select any number of the starters after winning games with them in Starter Duel (i apologize if that’s not the correct name for the event). I won access to the ten old decks in this way, then logged on after the update and found I’d randomly been provided the red white deck but can win access to none other.