opponent made 500 token's i was forced to concede
i had 2 soul wardens and a Gideons army< the one that gains 2 +1/+1 counter when you gain life. so both our extra times were burnt still had 20+ mins left in match on both sides the time, this should not be a thing, i had a win con on my next turn, and my turn comes after all this n i was forced to concede. honestly need to fix that or speed up the process of stack resolves when dealing with anything over 50+ things on a the stack period. so i lost my rank up match due to this and we both were actually haven fun. Please for the love of god and all that is hoply fix this, whats the point if its on his turn and i get screwd cause he makes 1000 token and i gain 2k life and he gets the win or anyone else for that matter, and i would have had the win with my enchantment i had i coulda playd that n kill him ez considering he had only 10 hp.
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