Player Timing out with no extra timers multiple times does not cause game to end.
Give us the steps to reproduce the bug - I played a game of Quick Draft the brothers war the opponent timed out multiple times with no time counters left and it simply passed turn instead of ending game in my victory after the second time of ending turn with no extra timer.
Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS) - I am using a PC
Enter the actual results you’re experiencing - I was expecting that the opponent would lose the game after they had clearly either DC'd/ or abandoned the game with no interaction but instead it continued to time out and just pass turn back to me.
Enter the expected results of the feature - after a player allows their last time extension to be used completely the next turn they allow the timer to burn down ends in game loss for them.
Add any relevant screenshots/videos - Sorry I didnt have a pic
If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps. none found
I'm not sure if this is just happening in the quick draft or not but it was a major pain in the butt especially considering that they had several triggers happening and they also had some bigger creatures than I did and I didnt want to attack them just in case they came back and screwed me, however they ran out of time 4 or 5 times with no time extension and is simply passed turn which I think should not happen after the second time of doing so with no extension max, it was almost like they hacked the system to make it think they always had another timer extension.
Warstar#76627 commented
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug - I played a game of Quick Draft the brothers war the opponent timed out multiple times with no time counters left and it simply passed turn instead of ending game in my victory after the second time of ending turn with no extra timer.
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS) - I am using a PC
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing - I was expecting that the opponent would lose the game after they had clearly either DC'd/ or abandoned the game with no interaction but instead it continued to time out and just pass turn back to me.
4. Enter the expected results of the feature - after a player allows their last time extension to be used completely the next turn they allow the timer to burn down ends in game loss for them.
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos - Sorry I didnt have a pic
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps. none found
I'm not sure if this is just happening in the quick draft or not but it was a major pain in the butt especially considering that they had several triggers happening and they also had some bigger creatures than I did and I didnt want to attack them just in case they came back and screwed me, however they ran out of time 4 or 5 times with no time extension and is simply passed turn which I think should not happen after the second time of doing so with no extension max, it was almost like they hacked the system to make it think they always had another timer extension.
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