Remove Digital-Only Cards from the Timeless Format
The timeless format is a big step forward and many players, including myself are excited to start playing it.
However, the constant pushing of digital only designs and pursuit of empty slogans such as "all cards on arena are legal" add nothing to the excitement and health of the format, many players would rather a true to paper experience with as little digital designs as possible.
Please consider removing alchemy from Timeless.
Exdeath#94833 commented
I feel happy when read about Timeless. My initial happiness has removed when I read that includes Alchemy cards.
Please, remove Alchemy cards from Timeless. Alchemy players have Historic.
TheGhostofDackFayden#59569 commented
Please. Alchemy players have Historic. Please stop shoehorning Alchemy into everything. You can give us an Alchemy-free format that won't break promises to people who have already bought into Alchemy, since this is a new format without any financial obligations. You know there are a ton of people out there who stay away from Historic, just because we hate digital-only cards so much.
LetMeShowYouMyBoat#62288 commented
Best way to get me back playing arena is having timeless without alchemy cards. Make 2 timeless one with one without, Timeless and Timeless prime
Citizen_Soldier#35127 commented
This would be an excellent way for the format to truly distance itself from Historic. It would also appease folks that do not appreciate mechanics that violate rules of paper magic like Perpetual, Conjure, and Seek
AtomicEngineer#80446 commented
YaKing#38695 commented
lol. There is no reason for this petition. The alchemy cards are hardly relevant anyway.
Mikehoncho#80591 commented
Alchemy cards aren't magic cards. They're the fever dreams of people with bad ideas.
greymon90210#35681 commented
I too support removing Alchemy from this format
ShazbotTheBrave#01143 commented
Please for the love of god let us have something without alchemy. Literally what is the point of this if it's just historic again but you unbanned spreading seas
clarciel#89435 commented
really want to see a "paper" timeless. no digital card but add UB
drfrankenbaum#73758 commented
I don't see why both historic and timeless need alchemy in them, one with and one without makes way more sense to me. I predict a lot of people will leave historic for timeless as it stands.
HoldTheDoor#05189 commented
Yes please, remove Alchemy from this format and allow Historic to continue to be the ugly digital step-child of Arena. I stopped playing Historic when Alchemy was released and haven't gone back, likewise I will not be playing Timeless for the same reason.
Anduial#24899 commented
This is not important to me at all. I like the digital only cards. I like Historic. I like exploring new design spaces. Timeless sounds fun, too, and is going to do a number on my wildcards.
Dex#53217 commented
Alchemy has No place in this new Format.
davidmik#03858 commented
Ignore the whiners, alchemy is great
Crypto#02787 commented
aAs much as I am excited for this format, I too would like the digital cards removed