Entry animation plays for Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath when cloaked onto the battlefield
Easiest reproduction:
1. Have Uro in hand and Vannifar, Evolved Enigma on the battlefield.
2. Pass to combat, and choose to cloak Uro onto the battlefield.
Actual behaviour:
Uro's entry animation (the big succ from the top of the screen and GRWOOOOOO audio) plays. This is local only, and the opponent doesn't see it (tested via direct challenge, they only see the expected flash of cloaking).
Expected behaviour:
Uro's animation doesn't play, as Uro isn't entering as itself.
Platform information:
MTGA version: 2024.34.10.5192.1053153
OS: Win11 Version 10.0.22621 Build 22621
Playing via Steam.
Log from immediately post-game attached.
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