Information regarding Arena SUCKS
My idea is for Wizards of the Coast to start giving us some information. I have played arena for years. visit the website and forums and there is still ZERO notice of up and coming formats.
I sat down last night to play an MKM draft - Ohh I cant!
Why because we are now running a phyrexian non-chaos chaos draft that wasn't announced. Wasn't communicated except for a stupid impossible to understand release table that displays no dates or any form of chronological framework.
Its just a joke.
We get no consultation, no information, no place for feedback and zero support.
I've had to dig for over an hour to get to the page where i have to submit this feedback as a bug!!!
Why cant i draft the most recent set AT ALL TIMES ?
Why do i get FORCED to play formats that i don't want to?
This post will probably get deleted anyway as you will claim this is not the place for feedback
But i am so sick of this from Wizards.
Why is it so hard for us to click "quick Draft" and have 3 or 4 set choices - eg This set, Last Set, Block and one fancy idea. Its not that hard!!
And if not then at least CLEARLY display somewhere when you're going to be rotating to a ******** fake chaos block so we can book holidays in advance.
DAC169#34537 commented
Arena has an official schedule from Wizards at
Don't know why this keeps getting deleted.