K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth casting bug
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth casting bug
Attempted to cast K'rrik with 6 lands and 1 eldrazi spawn, and 2 life
Phyrexian casting interface bugged
Interface described Surveil rules
Couldn't sacrifice Eldrazi spawn for mana
Couldn't cancel nor complete casting the spell, buttons didn't work

Rotter#58294 commented
this happened to me as well. I couldn't cast it for multiple turns. Ended up losing the game. I even tried to manually tap the mana, which left me nearly tapped out for an entire turn. Even force closed the game mid cast to try and correct.
BungholeWarrior#50380 commented
I also experienced this, at 2 life. Same as others, got a surveil text and the last pip in the phyrexian mana was gray and unmovable. Everything on the screen was unable to be interacted with except view battlefield and esc menu.
tHe_KiLlEr_RuBbeR#19283 commented
Mi è capitato lo stesso in draft. Ero a due punti vita e mentre provavo a castare k'rrik si è creato il bug "Sorveglia".
RespectMyAuthoritah#56637 commented
Same happened to me, twice. One of those times it caused me to lose a game I would have otherwise won, during a quick draft even. Compensation would be nice.
One time I was at 2 life when it happened. The other time I was at 3 life. I play on PC.Attached screenshot and log.
ogsmokes#89210 commented
I was unable to complete casting the card but I was able to concede the game.
Dinoeatcandy#97973 commented
Same for me it says somthing about Suvail sadly it was in my draft also wasent able to close the window and was stuck untli all my time was run out basicli skipping my turn
on PC and also 2 life. Also so compensation for the Darft losse wold be nice -
Texas Twister#15537 commented
Happened to me too.
Hookline#19872 commented
This happened for me as well and I have to Concede the game. Attached is my log, playing on a PC
Tragedy#95215 commented
Had a very similar situation occur with K'rrik in Sealed. Was also at 2 life but had plenty of lands. The interface header said "Surveil" and none of the buttons would let me cast the card or cancel. Had to concede the game.