Unable to use historic decks in Bot/friend/timeless games.
I am unable to play certain decks against Sparky or against friends and in timeless, however the decks work fine if i play them in historic. These decks are considered to have non-format cards in them. I've narrowed the problem down to certain alchemy cards, but not all alchemy cards trigger the violation. I can change them to direct play decks to fix the problem however some decks will completely remove the cards from the deck when i change them to direct play. This problem began at the end of the year 2023 after a patch, after waiting for a resolution one never came. I currently have nearly thirty decks I am unable to play in both bot and friends matches as well as timeless and again they work just fine in historic.

DAC169#34537 commented
If a deck works for Historic but not Timeless then it is because you have rebalanced cards in the deck. I do remember from what some other people have said that it is the same issue for bot matches, so it is most likely the same reason for the friend matches.