xp not rewarded for quest completion bloomburrow
Completed a daily quest for after buying mastery pass for bloomburrow. Only 250 Xp rewarded, not the 500 Xp. Mac platform.

Pipiu Lendario#21264 commented
Same issue here, for 2 days dont receive any xp for quests. And now everbody gains a gift and xp back but my acount dont receive
Cavespider2#97796 commented
Same Problem but did not get a gift. List so much exp the days
Pomp#97987 commented
i got the 2,500 exp gift but not the accumulated exp lost in the last days...
Schwartz#24668 commented
No xp on daily quests, been doing them consistently for over a week now.
miscreant#69513 commented
no xp 3 days in a row now, Would of gone up 3 or 4 lvls allready........
Lluched#10819 commented
Awarding now but lost 1000+ that has not been corrected
Moravich#30339 commented
same problem on PC daily and weekly quests not awarding xp
Herzog#88241 commented
It seems like the issue is fixed but the lost experience is not added
mattxmaelstrom#20280 commented
Having the same problem on iOS today. didn’t get any xp from completing daily quest or winning matches, even though I saw the reward pop up
rebelinguist#15007 commented
I also had this issue today with my daily quest. MacOS
buromomento#49443 commented
same issue, missed around 1000 xp today, playing on ios
ToFoFi#90259 commented
Same issue, I can't win XP
RaptorRapture#00616 commented
I’ve missed out on roughly 1500 xp from this, kind of frustrating. iOS.
Redware#62920 commented
Same issue here. I have just completed two weekly wins and todays quest - No progress on the mastery trail no XP change on the level I was on either.
MDKnght88#66577 commented
I'm having this problem on my account I'm on the Android platform
Iaokim#11117 commented
I have not had any xp rewards today despite quest completions and wins.
Rauchi007#25079 commented
i have the same problem!!
Azelg#97841 commented
have same problem in smartphone and pc, 2 days without get exp..
Gonzalo23#47953 commented
I’m experiencing the same problem in android. When will this get fixed?
jmedina4#10880 commented
I’m experiencing the same problem. When will this get fixed?