reservoir kraken
reservoir kraken is not functioning as intended right now, with the opponent able to tap my creatures to pay the cost of its triggered ability
log file too large

pcguy89#57508 commented
Can confirm this just happened to me. Attaching a log.
Tallonis89#81374 commented
Please fix this! It is frustrating to no end when matches become one sided
Amariya#88644 commented
This bug affects both bot matches and live matches.
Ispheria#39577 commented
I am having this issue as well. You can see in the video that they have no creatures, my kraken gets tapped, and i get another fishy. Lost a couple matches because of this.
Edit: well i guess the video didn't send
Krab#58391 commented
I encountered the same situation except I was on the other side. I could tap the creatures of my opponent (and only their creatures, I did not have the option to tap my own creatures) and I could even tap his permanents that had Ward without paying the cost.