midweek into the future
Why is there this event on my first account but not on the second one, I just entered the game and didn't know there was an event going on. I played on one account everything was fine, I enter the second account and there is no such event there ???

TheWho#32177 commented
Oh, that makes sense, turns out I was just being a jerk......sorry.
Rezzahan#77802 commented
Those events have a few hours run down time, where you cannot register for it anymore, but anyone already registered has some time left to play it through. 2:16 hours left is within that margin. The time to register had passed for your other account.
TheWho#32177 commented
so what if it's 2:16, I made three wins in 10 minutes. I could have made it on the main one. The question is why there was an event on one account and not on the other.
Rezzahan#77802 commented
Your first sceenshot shows only 2:16 hours remaining for the event. You probably were simply too late with your second account.
TheWho#32177 commented
Firstly, I'm new here, haven't played since Kaladesh. Secondly, there was no banner, and I didn't even think about it, I continued playing as if everything was fine. And then I went to my second account and saw that there was an event going on.
DAC169#34537 commented
Midweek Magic is a weekly rotating event. How could you not have known?
TheWho#32177 commented
Here are two more screenshots taken a minute apart, there is an event on the unnecessary account, there is no event on the main account and I didn’t even see that it was there, I only found out when I went to the second account.
TheWho#32177 commented
It turns out that I lost two rare cards and a skin card on my main account, which I invest money and effort in, and received them on the second one, which I just have for fun decks ???? Not fair! I'm disappointed in you.