Running out the clock
People should not be allowed to run out the clock repeatedly without consequence. A lot of unsportsmanlike players keep sitting idle and letting the timer run out when I'm about to win thus forcing me to sit there and wait. We shouldn't be punished by them for winning the game. It ruins gameplay for everyone else. I get that the clock was created so they could not force us to sit there indefinitely waiting to make a choice but when a player sits there intentionally doing nothing forcing me to sit there waiting too. I know I'm not the only one that gets frustrated by this. Let us report people that abuse the system and ruin the game for everyone else.
LarterStyles commented
In addition to reporting ropers, I’d also suggest voting on the other roping-related complaints/suggestions:
DAC169#34537 commented
To report players that rope, go to and select "Report Conduct." Be sure to include video and/or screenshots of them roping.
IconArmy#97220 commented
I sincerely apologize if my last few sentences are a little hard to read there but its really that frustrating.