Hide Alert dot when alert is invalid
The alert ping on menu icons is appearing even when there is nothing available to open. Sure, an item is available to VIEW but it is not available to open until 11/12/2024. Therefore, I shouldn't see an alert that something is available to open because I can't open it. Likewise, you guys keep showing me alerts for the store even after I've viewed the store.
Basically, if I can't open it, afford it, or I've already viewed it... then it isn't something new any more, is it? I shouldn't see alerts for things I can't open or I've already viewed.
At the very least, give us the ability to mark everything read so the darned alert lights will go away. So annoying to constantly have to check to see if I have something to open, just to find out that I don't. False alarm!
This is probably only important to those of us who are neurodivergent.