Argothian Uprooting/Hardened Scales
I cast Argothian Uprooting after playing Hardened Scales turn one. I cast Argothian Uprooting for 2 x which meant two lands would get two +1/+1 counters which should according to hardened scales be 3 +1/+1 counters. I am not sure why it is not triggering, but it has now begun to cost me matches. I see nothing that should stop it from getting the extra counters and by the wording it maybe should also trigger again so it would be four instead of 2 counters. Please correct this issue asap because my deck is dependent on the hardened scales working.
DAC169#34537 commented
NO BUG. The effects of Argothian Uprooting happen in order, so the lands get the +1/+1 counters AND THEN they become creatures, and Hardened Scales only cares about +1/+1 counters put on creatures.