10 second game freeze when viewing decks via menu or find match
[PC/Steam] For exactly 10 seconds, I've found the game will freeze anytime it tries loading decks, either via the manu menu or via play/find match.
It happens 100% of the time for the same length of time each occurrence.
I've reinstalled the game a couple times and run all win updates + GPU updates, with nothing being able to fix it.

Myzifer#89887 commented
Hmm, it seemed to resolve itself after either because I'd loaded up the mobile app of it and it cleared up a profile issue.
Since the mobile app went over all the banned cards again.
Or their just happened to be a patch rolloed out over the last few days that fixed it.
But I'd think the former is more likely. -
Myzifer#89887 commented
Oh and it doesn't happen only once, if I go to home, then back to decks, it will freeze for another 10 seconds.