Card Purchase Bug - Gold Subtracted, but Cards Not Appearing in Collection
Hello Magic Arena team,
I would like to report an issue I encountered when attempting to purchase cards with my gold. I bought two cards, but after the transaction, the cards did not appear in my collection. However, I noticed that the gold was correctly deducted. I had 9,000 gold and now have approximately 3,600, which indicates that the purchase was registered, but the cards were not delivered.
Please look into this issue and let me know the next steps to resolve it.
Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Virgilio Santos - Vivi93#66371

Rezzahan#77802 commented
Read the offer before you buy. You purchased card STYLES, not cards. The picture of the "card" on offer says as much. The store NEVER offers individual cards for purchase.
You want cards, you have to
- open them in packs
- draft them
- get them in your card pool for a Sealed event
- get them in your two packets of a Jump-In event
- win them as ICRs (individual card rewards)
- or craft them with wildcards