MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14458 results found
can't join matches
Matches just say waiting for opponent and never find one.
Even Sparky matches say this.
14 votes -
introduce a method to make infinite combos faster, as in reality
Well that, every time I have the squirrel oak, the heliod and some creature that gains lives, and I have the infinite combo I have to create squirrels 1 by 1, it could be a method of when I put a counter to the oak, and the game Dectecte that I can continue putting counters ask me how many times I want to repeat this process, and be able to put a fixed number of counters, in number
7 votes -
Game freeze
While playing in a kamagawa premier draft I went second, played a red 1/1 haste artifact creature. My opponent responded by playing a 1R cost instant to do 2 damage to a creature and the game froze. I waited about 2 minutes and the exited out of the game, restarted my PC and then loaded the game and was stuck on a match pairing screen for 6 minutes. I exited out of the game again and restarted the computer again and restarted the game and it opened to a match loss and rewards to end the draft. This is the…
5 votes -
Ban Paradox Engine, opponent turns take way too long, it's boring
I just got blew up by my time outs being used in opponent's turn even though i was spamming space bar to pass priority, they were using Paradox Engine to go through every artefact in their library. Not a fun game but I was willing to wait as they were probably going to mill themselves however the game timer killed me. Just ban it, if it's not legal in commander it shouldn't be legal in historic brawl
18 votes -
Stensia Uprising skill does not activate
Stensia Uprising skill does not activate when you have 13 permanents or more
8 votes -
Due to the ridiculous length of stack effects my turn was not only forfeited, but my opponent was able to play, all my time out were used and I lost the match due to automatic forfeit. I am being penalized for playing a good deck that utilizes stacked effects! STOP TIMER FOR STACK EFFECTS!!!!!!
Playing on a MAC
7 votes -
Network error
Getting a network error, can't join queue, please try again when I hit the play button. This is happening after maintenance on Sept. 2.
17 votes -
Missing Cards
I woke up this morning and started playing some MTGA mobile (iOS) and shortly noticed that may of my decks are missing cards. I played some last night, built a new deck, and after playing a game with it went to bed. On reflection I had cards missing then too. Not all my cards were available to build with. Many of the missing cards are from starter decks, but not all the cards will be missing from a single deck, some will be left. Also, some of the decks with missing cards are still playable. Those missing cards are still…
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38 votes -
Standard Brawl Esika, God of the Tree Meta
Tried playing some Standard Brawl and 75% of matches were paired against Esika, God of the Tree // Prismatic Bridge decks. Also, got a streak of being paired against it 5 games in a row. Either that commander is being played so much it is 3/4 of the entire Standard Brawl meta and should be banned or the matchmaking algorithm is actual garbage and the code needs to be re-written.
6 votes -
Momir gems
Playing the Momir event today i should have received gems instead of a 5th copy of a rare card i already own (Ill-Tempered Loner to be specific), yet my gem counter is the same as always and i'm pretty sure i haven't earned vault points.
I'm not the only one that experienced this bug6 votes -
Instant speed spell un-castable on opponent's turn
I believe I encountered some sort of bug just now. I am playing on PC. The game in question was a ranked alchemy match in diamond ranking. During my opponent's turn, I was attacked by a Rahilda, which is a mono-red card. I had two Vanishing Verses in my hand, with all the necessary mana available to cast them, but was unable to cast the spells. I paused between attack steps, in order to stop the Rahilda from triggering, but was not able to cast any spells. There was nothing on the board, or any apparent effect, which would prohibit…
6 votes -
tutorial broken
cant skip tutorial
tutorial is broken
opponent casts a creature
i have two on board and attack and it wont let me because it says opp will block and kill them
but i know i need to kill it because its going to cast a spell on their turn and win
the tutorial literally will not allow me to attack - it says dont attack this turn - even when i press attack
just wow
30 votes -
scute Swarm costs
Scute Swarm cause me timeouts even with resolve all. I was playing against a scute swarm and I kept getting charged timeouts. Why would I get charged timeouts because they played scute and it generated 500+ tokens?
47 votes -
[BUG] Game crashes
The game crashes very often when I clisk on PLAY, then on the table logo. When I'm about to pick my deck the game crashes.
OS: Windows 10 Version 10.0.19043 Build 190436 votes -
didnt receive any cards after opening packs
Upon opening 10 packs of the new set i did not receive any cards from the set, can you please have a look at this and maybe reset it?
8 votes -
Log in loop bug
I am on Chromebook logging in through GeForce now platform is windows. It starts to log in. Gets to "initializing localization database" then goes back to log in screen.
I have tried to use incorrect password and it is giving "incorrect user/password message" So is communicating with your server.7 votes -
Magic missile, Rem Kalorus, and a big stack results in zero damage.
My opponent is at 9 life. Their board is a lands and a tapped [[iymrith desert doom]].
I control [[rem karolus, stalwart slayer]] and a single [[showdown of the skalds]] on II (with another showdown having sacrificed to chapter III this turn
I cast [[magic missile]] choosing opponent as it's only target. Two [[showdown of the skalds]] chapter II//III triggers go on the stack, targeting Rem.
Opponent responds & casts [[power word:kill]] targeting rem.
I respond with [[play with fire]], also targeting opponent. Two more[[showdown of the skalds]] chapter II triggers go on the stack, targeting Rem.
At this point,…
10 votes -
Mystic forge not working entirely
The card mystic forge is not letting me play any artifacts off the to of my deck, and it doesn't seem to be applying cost reduction from cards like Jhoira's Familiar
6 votes -
Trade Feature
MTGA is really fun and enjoyable. But i would like to balance it better with physical, paper magic cards and play with my family and friends. I looked it up and apparently MTGO has a trade feature. Also it allows you to turn in complete digital sets for physical paper sets for a reasonable fee. I would like to see this implemented into MTGA in the future. Allowing players to trade amongst each other would be awesome! And allowing us to trade in complete digital sets for real, physical paper ones would encourage me to actually buy into the $100…
11 votes -
Product Suggestion - game formats
Hi, I have two product suggestions.
- One is obvious: split historic into two formats, one normal and one for alchemy as it is in standard.
- Second, include all old editions in historic, or add legacy/vintage to MTGA, so we can build those sweet decks from long ago (what use is my Black Lotus pet and sleeve, if I can't play the card? :/). Potentially two legacy/vintage modes, if you want to mix alchemy into everything.7 votes
- Don't see your idea?