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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14366 results found

  1. Better Bot Matches

    Has anyone considered being able to select different levels of difficulty for Bot Matches. For example, one option would be for players to be able to select a level of difficulty up to the current level they have attained (e.g. Silver, Gold, etc.)
    When experimenting with different decks and card combinations against the Bot, playing an opponent at a similar level would give a better indication of what is likely to be competitive against real opponents.

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  2. 84 votes

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  3. Lost to timeout when I could not take any action during opponent's turn

    I just lost a game because the client consumed my timeouts while the opponent was doing an infinite Heliod/Scurry Oak/Soul Warden combo.

    I tried anything in the interface like pressing the skipping turn button, but it kept consuming my timeouts while the opponent's stack was resolving (see png).

    Since I couldn't do any action or switch the thing off I ended up losing a game I would most likely win (e.g. by decking with Creativity).
    Would it be possible to update the interface to avoid this in the future? If there is already a way, could you please make it…

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  4. Won three Standard Rank, no progress in Bronze Rank Constructed

    Over the last few days I've won three BO1 Constructed matches and received no credit (says that I must play a game this season to receive season rewards).

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  5. Missing cards

    I bought a bunch of Strixhaven packs and as I opened them I made notes on the new cards I'd like to incorporate into my decks (or build a new deck with). But several of the cards I made notes of don't show up in the deckbuilder as an option for me. I have checked online to see if I wrote down the wrong names, but those cards are listed on general websites as Strixhaven cards so I don't know why they won't show up in my deckbuilder.

    Some of those cards are:
    Time Warp
    Tendrils of Agony
    Weather the…

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  6. missing cards from collection

    for the past 2-3 months i've played to build a decent collection so i can make some decks.
    Some cards are dissapearing from my collection, even when i have used it.
    cards of the events, cards of drafts (yes, the ones that should stay in your collection), cards from packs or even for the daily rewards.

    So far i can name 7 cards that are missing. some of them just 1 copy. but others 2 or more.

    i've noticed that if the cards arent put in a saved deck... some of them just dissapear.

    how can i leave the game…

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  7. Matchmaking

    Spending money on this game(buying cards) has completely broken my matchmaking. I was enjoying this game until I decided to spend money on it. Since then I am winning less than 10% of my games and I’m going up against people that have special skins for every single card. Had I known that spending money on this game was going to produce this result I obviously wouldn’t have done it. This game is a complete scam that is designed to get little kids to basically gamble their parents money away. How is MTG Arenas scam scheme any different than the…

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  8. "Spectral Adversary" still has a bug.

    There is a bug that the + 1 / + 1 counter does not get on when the phase out is inappropriate due to the ability of "Spectral Adversary".

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  9. 4 lands in starting hand = nearly always a mana flood

    I noticed that for a long time, but now I did an analysis. With a 40 card draft deck when I have 4 lands in my starting hand that is nearly an auto-loss, because the next cards I draw are usually flooded with lands. From my last 30 matches with a 4-land starting hand the first 5 cards I drew were 5 lands once, 4 lands 18 times, 3 lands 7 times, 2 lands 3 times and 1 land once. I usually play 16 or 17 lands. Wizards, as I doubt that you will accept at any time that your…

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  10. Infinite Loop

    An opponent had a marauding raptor on the field and then played polyraptor. This cause an infinite loop that caused me to time out because priority was always passed to me. A player shouldn't be able to abuse the rope system to win.

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  11. App is crashing a lot since last update

    Hey MTGA development team. Since your last update, the game is crashing a lot. It already happened in different parts, homepage, deck editor and mainly during battles. The game just close out of nothing. I have and updated android version on a Samsung Galaxy S10.

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  12. When i completed my daily wins i received no card rewards, upon completing mastery level i also received no mythic reward upon completion

    When i completed my daily wins i received no card rewards, upon completing mastery level i also received no mythic reward upon completion

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  13. Direct Challenge not counting for Tasks

    Direct Challenges are not tracking cards played for daily challenges

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  14. Missing cards in starter deck

    Finished the quest to get Selesnya Conclave deck today and none of the cards were added in my collection.

    The deck is completely empty, appart from the basic lands.

    I had none of the cards before and none of the cards were added after getting the deck: every number to the left of the cards are red.

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  15. Give Sparky Decks

    I think it would be really cool to have the ability to give Sparky access to one of my decks for training. The basic ones Sparky chooses among get old fast, and she very quickly becomes obsolete. The only point of trying out my new decks against Sparky at this point is as a sanity check that I didn't go too off the rails with a new idea.

    However, if, for example, I could have given Sparky my Dimir rogues deck during Zendikar Rising, she would have become a very useful training partner. I could try a new anti-Rogues deck…

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  16. Game stopped on opponent's turn, timer not working, softlock forever

    Playing a game against an opponent. They had the upper hand, so I can't imagine them doing this on purpose, but the game would just sit there. No timers showed up (opponent had x2 ready to go) but the timers never triggered, and the game is just sitting there waiting for the opponent to continue their turn.

    log is attached.

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  17. Cannot access store

    Every time I try to access the store, I get a black screen and it fails to load, crashing Arena. This has been attempted multiple times over the course of the last couple weeks. Thanks for your help!

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  18. IMH Mastery Pass not giving Rewards

    I did not get the 2 uncommon or 2 mythic rare reward cards for passing level 9 of the new Innistrad Midnight Hunt Mastery pass nor did I receive the rewards from level 3 and level 7. No reward screen is coming up to show what is earned along with the missing button to "claim". I have not seen this at all so far on this Mastery Pass. Also, the small notification beacon under the "Packs" option at the top has been missing, even if you have new packs waiting to be opened. Less of an issue, but an issue…

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  19. Friends list

    Friends list won't show my friends, I can't see chat messages and I can't accept challenges from them.

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  20. Waiting for Server too long time

    After play a game we need to wait long time to load home screen.
    Waiting for server is runnig too long time.
    I need to close app and open again.

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