MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14367 results found
Waiting for Server too long time
After play a game we need to wait long time to load home screen.
Waiting for server is runnig too long time.
I need to close app and open again.24 votes -
Clicking mulligan results in keeping hand
When selecting to mulligan, the game just kept the hand. Clearly, no one is keeping a one lander hand in limited - resulting in loss due to lack of lands
6 votes -
PLEASE Add Ranked Version of Brawl!
We need a ranked version for Brawl format. Everyone I've spoken to that plays MTG arena and at my local shop is lobbying for it. It would give players an opportunity to play a more similar format to Commander rather than the vanilla, standard format meta games. It would also add revenue for Wizards as you would gain a bigger player base. Win - win for everyone, please consider!
7 votes -
Game got stuck after opponent timed out, registered as a loss for me.
After my opponent used his/her time out, the game got stuck. After I reloaded Arena, there was a loss next to my name.
9 votes -
seriously fix this ******** rigged game you fucken greedy *** *****!
30 votes -
Ban exquisite blood
Why hasen't this card been banned? This card in combination with a card that has 'whenever you gain life opponent loses that much life' creates an infinite loop that stops when your life total is zero. Infinite loops shouldn't be part of this game that is just lame.
40 votes -
Illegal Cards Being Played In Standard 2022
Users are using cards inside the standard 2022 game mode that are not standard 2022. I've had players use murder as well as other cards such as the Ilysian Caryatid. Please fix, as it gives other players an unfair advantage in the mode, as these cards are not legal.
10 votes -
Game is a 100% rigged
You pay with money to buy data and in return you get better odds in every match you play for a period of time till it ends and you pay more and repeat the cycle. The algorithm is rigged with match making/card draw/ starting hands and several others. Decks that have a 70-90% chance of win on tabletop is a 20% chance to win in Arena unless you pay for more data as a rigged cash cow! F-you, Wizards made me quite…34 votes -
timer active while triggers resolve
To reproduce: put lots of triggers onto the stack, eg by playing a Scute Swarm deck, do so while the timeout cord is showing to see full effect
Results (on PC): My timer keeps running while the triggers resolve, if it runs out, I automatically pass to combat/the turn/etc when all triggers have resolved.
Expected results: my timer does not countdown while triggers are resolving because I am unable to take any actions.
EDIT: this is much less of an issue on my new computer, as triggers resolve much faster than they did on my old laptop.29 votes -
no conecta con el servidor queda en negro la pantalla
no conecta con el servidor queda en negro la pantalla alguna solución? despues de cargando escena inicial no funciona mas y no es por la conexion a internet
9 votes -
Crash android
Nearly during every game the app crashes. I'm back in my homescreen and I have to reconnect. After restarting the app I'm back in the game 1 or 2 rounds later.
I already reinstalled the app. No changes.
The error occurred after the last update.
My device is a Samsung galaxy S10 with Android 11.31 votes -
historic anthology always purchasable
Most of the time i can't build a fun deck because i don't have some of the historic anthology.
Why don't you make it always purchasable on the store?I know i can buy gems to buy pack and earn wildcards, but it's too much expensive in $$$. (example, i don't have the first 3 anthology, that means 108 rare and 24 MR) That's about 756 packs to buy the complete set (if my math is correct :D). (if you don't find any WC in the packs but that's impossible.)
That means about 700$ in gems.
Can you please add…
17 votes -
MTG Arena crashing on Mac
First time playing on a Mac, the client crashes after every match I complete, then crashes on the next restart.
129 votes -
Only getting one point in BO3 if opponent quits during sideboarding
Whenever a player quits during Sideboard in BO3, the winner only gets one point when before it was two. This needs to be addressed as it can get very abusive. Easiest way to reproduce bug is to play a BO3 ranked match and quit right away and concede during side boarding, checking the rank afterwords as it should only go up or down by 1 point
10 votes -
Matchmaking sucks! I am tired of constant mirror matches
Matchmaking in Arena is unbalanced and unfair and most of all unfun. Constant mirror matches suck! Constantly playing against the same decks regardless of opponent sucks! please do true natural random matchmaking. skill based and deck strength matchmaking sucks and isn't fun.
53 votes -
Graphics options
There should be graphic options to disable "unnecessary" visual effects, like the battlefield ones, and the visual effects for trample creatures and such, a way to disable all animated effects that aren't important for playing the game could really help performance in old PCs/phones this could bring a better experience for players even to players that have good machines would appreciate not waiting soo much for opponent turn to end, and can bring even more players. I think that some players would indeed opt to disable animations (even the ones that doesn't experience lag) for a more "fluid" gaming. Some…
11 votes -
******** with your rigged ****!
29 votes -
Please fix your matchmaking
Your matchmaker is constantly making me play a mirror match. Nine games out of ten will have at least one card in common with my deck. This makes for stale matches, especially when playing a control deck. Please make the match maker random!
6 votes -
frozen draft
Client frozen during ranked draft.
Hopefully a refund for myself and all of my draft partners. forced to leave draft and unable to drop from premier drafting because of the frozen draft state.
242 votes -
・Tome of the Infinite(It destroy Histric brawl's game barance)
・Field of the Dead(This card can include every deck and too powerful)
・Curse of Silence(It makes ****** to summon Commander with easily)
・Paradox Engine(It makes to be easier that diabolical long&slow play combo.And it was ALREADY BANNED in Commander by some of notorious combo. )8 votes
- Don't see your idea?