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7896 results found

  1. Unplayable on Mac

    Game unplayable on Mac

    Since the latest update, the game is unplayable on Mac. Initial screen and shop work fine, but as soon as I enter a game, the client is unusable. Everything has a lag of several seconds, cards hover very slowly and cannot be draged onto the battlefield.

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  2. 2023.27.10 Patch Notes are not actually posted

    Despite the in-game email claiming that "2023.27.10 Patch Notes Are Here!", the linked webpage shows that those patch notes are not actually posted (as of the time now which is 8:09 AM PST).

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  3. Rope keeps going when I'm taking actions

    I had set up a combination of Ardent Elementalist with Unexplained Disappearance so that I could loop them and scry each time to find the card that I needed from my library. After doing the loop only 4 or 5 times my rope not only started going, but when I continued to take actions it never stopped and time was never added back onto the rope. After only a couple more times my turn was passed.

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  4. Hexgold Hoverwings destroyed when creature is destroyed

    when a creature attached with Hexgold Hoverwings gets dostroyed, the equipment is also destroyed. It should unequip and stay on the field as its an artifact - equipment.

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  5. Mana Issues

    I was playing an event and my OP cast Nissa Ascended Animist without access to any green mana. I lost the event following this into a sweeper. Was playing on PC, but it was OP issue.

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  6. Stone Brain fails to choose name

    Stone Brain bug causes me to lose games when activated. Multiple ranked games lost when I active the artifact's ability.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Woodland Investigation Interactions Error

    I have not had the appropriate interactions between woodland investigation and persuasive interrogators. The lands that are drawn with Woodland Investigation are explicitly noted to be ‘clue artifacts’ however they are not generating poison counters for my opponents when persuasive interrogators is in play.

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  9. Haywire Mite couldn’t be blocked or targeted

    In my last game the other player used “Haywire Mite” and I couldn’t even pull up the description of the card when I held my finger on it (playing on an iPhone) even though every other card in play worked like normal. I couldn’t target it with a spell, and I couldn’t assign a defender to it when it attacked.

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  10. Constructed Ranking is not working

    I have been playing constructed again the last couple of weeks in different formats but I am not getting the ranking notifications after the matches and I am getting the message that I need to play a match to get the rewards on the profile screen. How do I get this to work again?

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  11. Phyrexian Fleshgorger

    Phyrexian Fleshgorger was made full strength (7/5) w/o enough mana. The player clearly has 5 mana max (4 lands plus Llanowar) and nothing in the graveyard that adds mana. The +1/+1 came from the attached role. It should have been a base 3/3

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  12. Auto tap basic lands first

    I had 11 basic plains and 1 cave of the frost dragon on the battlefield. I click to auto-tap a single land to play a 1 mana card. Of all of these lands, it auto taps the cave. Why? Why would that ever happen? I know I can slow down and check what it’s going to tap before I cast, but that defeats the purpose of auto-tap.

    Seems pretty straightforward to prioritize basic lands and I’d bet that 99.9999999% of the time anyone is auto-tapping, this would be their preference.

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  13. phyrexian fleshgorger color coding

    Arena autofills limited decks with plains when the only card selected is phyrexian fleshgorger
    when other colors are added it correctly doesn't put plains in. it also doesn't put swamps in either.

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  14. Infinite time stalling

    1. I don't know what exactly triggered this, it happened when my opponent had two symetry sages, used both base power boosts on a dreadhorde arcanist while casting a flames of anor, then attacked with the dreadhorde and one symetry sage, choosing to recast the flames of anor with the dreadhorde making the game stuck in a state where the flames of anor won't resolve and my oponents priority won't expire or use timeouts. Not even restarting the game fixes this. And my opponent is still there too, I can see them hovering cards and using the text prompts.
    2. PC
    3. The…
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  15. Pugnacious Hammerskull/Angelfire Ignotion Bug

    Pugnacious Hammerskull attacks despite stun counters after casting Angelfire Ignition, even the turn after Angelfire Ignition was exiled

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  16. Éowyn, Fearless Knight

    "éowyn, caballero valiente" no aplicó su habilidad disparada al entrar al campo de batalla, poniendome en desventaja clara, estoy muy molesto por que estas partidas cuestan dinero, decidí conceder por que no se me hace justo seguir jugando así.

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  17. Commander

    Please introduce Commander to Arena, you dont have to include every card ever made, that can come in time, people just really want commander and the option to play more than just 2v2

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  18. Can sacrifice toke to bargain if used to convoke

    If you give a a Bargin spell convoke and tap a token creature to pay the convoke cost you can't sacrifice it to the bargin. But since you get to decide the order costs are paid this is very wrong. Lost several games to this bug.

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  19. Piece it together intenisty bug

    Piece it Together isn't granting extra turns when cast from the graveyard with the proper intensity to do so. It also doesn't function when copied at the proper intensity level.

    Dreadhorde Arcanist
    Snapcaster Mage
    Sea gate storm caller

    None of the listed work.

    When exiled with Bloodthirsty Adversary, it doesn't retain intensity, but I'm unsure if that is within the bounds of the rules.

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  20. Severe performance issues with Scute Swarm

    Platform: Android

    As the title says, I am experiencing extreme slowdown and crashing issues related to Scute Swarm. My phone's antivirus even flags Arena when I make a lot of Scute Swarm copies. There's also significant issues with the turn timer and Scute Swarm in which the timer counts down while Scute Swarm copies are being created, resulting in me losing my turn and frequently costing me the match.

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