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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1174 results found

  1. Gold issues

    Have some gold in account. When I completed the level in masterypass that gave 2000 gold, my gold was reset and I was left with only the 2000 received from MasteryPass

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  2. DSK mastery pass level 34 & 35 - no rewards

    Didn't receive mastery pass rewards for levels 34 and 35 (DSK). I still got the standard rewards, as if I hadn't purchased it.

    When I purchased the mastery pass I was at level 33 and automatically got the whole backlog. I just haven't gotten any of its benefits since then.

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  3. Missing Mastery Reward

    Completed Level 34 of Mastery Pass but, despite purchasing season pass, did not receive rewards (2 Mythic cards). On Windows PC.

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  4. Side Deck not displaying/loading properly in Deck Builder

    I'm unable to see my Side Decks in full, and thus can not edit them in the Deck Builder. They still show in full when playing Bo3 matches, but in the editor they show only a partial list at best and only one copy, even if there are multiple copies.

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  5. Full Art Parallax Basic lands are missing their styles since the duskmourn update

    Since the Duskmourn release, the parallax lands that I use in my collection have been replaced by their non-stylized versions in game and in the collection tracker.

    The stylized versions seem to be missing from the client, please fix as these are the lands I've used since I started playing thank you.

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  6. Bug

    I was playing in a Historic Bo1 event and lost my third match to what I believe is a bug. I had a Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student out. My opponent had two Night Market Lookout and tapped both for convoke to cast Collective Nightmare to kill my Tamiyo. There were 26 Night Market Lookout triggers on the stack and they killed me.

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  7. Started receiving gems instead of rare cards from FDN boosters, despite not having rare completed the set

    I started receiving gems from FDN booster, instead of the rare cards that I'm missing.
    I am, for instance, missing the scry lands (and many others), along many commons and uncommon (reprints or not).

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  8. Missing Card Styles

    The parallax styles for the enemy fetchlands have disappeared and display the normal art, both in the deckbuilder and in game.

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  9. Deck editor shows only 7 sideboard cards

    The deck editor shows only 7 sideboard cards in decks which are Traditional and have 15 sideboard cards. The cards are in the deck, but they do not show up in the editor. It shows 7, then "Best of 3 only" but below that is blank.

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  10. Deck builder scrolling

    I play on IOS iPad and when I’m using the deck builder it is unresponsive when scrolling. It’s buggy and when in vertical mode it doesn’t let me scroll down my card list most the time, super buggy. Same when in horizontal mode trying to navigating around the deck portion.

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  11. Sideboard for BO3 is not visible

    I cannot see the sideboard for BO3 while building the deck.
    It seems to be possible to add cards.
    Also, I could see the sideboard as usual during the match.
    The versions are as follows

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  12. "Waiting for Server" when trying to open/edit decks.

    After patching I could no longer edit 2 mono black vampire decks (one explorer one historic) as it would go into "waiting for server". I needed to rebuild them from scratch for it to edit them again. I also imported a UB lurrus deck and get "waiting for server" when attempting to edit. Seems random but both decks have black in them.

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  13. Unable to use card style-d lands after drafting Chromatic Cube

    After drafting Chromatic Cube, I am unable to add any of the triomes or other lands that have card styles attached to them that I do not own. After trying to add them to the draft deck it only pops up with the offer for me to buy the card style but not add them to the deck.

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  14. Mastery Pass reward was shown but booster was not received for lvl 42

    Mastery Pass reward was shown but booster was not received for lvl 42

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  15. Draft deck can't be looked at while drafting Bloomburrow and cards cant be placed right to sideboard

    While drafting both the quick draft for March of the Machines and for premier Bloomburrow, it won't allow me to look again at cards I previously drafted and I also can't put cards straight to sideboard mid draft and it's made drafting currently a hindering experience.

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  16. Mastery Pass pack reward not Received

    I did not receive my level 43 Murders at Karlov Manor pack reward from the mastery pass today. I have spent the gems for the full pass. I am unsure if I have lost any other rewards.


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  17. Frozen Packs --- cannot open them!

    I have been trying to claim my packs but when I click on the tab above for packs it just freezes. Please help me WOTC.

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  18. Card exists in Foundation but not every card of a former edition is allowed to use, why?

    Examples of cards that are back in Foundation:

    "Liliana, Dreadhorde General" was in "War of Spark"
    "Thousand-Year Storm" was in "Guilds of Ravnica"

    If I have those cards of the former editions, why can't I use those in my Standard-decks ?
    Or put differently, why do I have to have the foundation version of it?

    But then there is "Scorching Dragonfire" which was in "Throne of Eldraine" that is also back in "Foundation". And here I can use the former version without a problem.

    So why are some older cards are allowed to be reused and some others not?

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  19. Gift Deck Issues

    Gift decks are missing cards and others do not have names. I am using arena on the iOS platform. Not sure if others are experiencing the same issue.

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  20. Too many clicks.

    Having to click 50 times just to get through receiving the new player decks is insane...
    The deck builder also needs an overhaul. At least let me clear the deck without having to click each individual card.

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