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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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564 results found

  1. Mythic Pack bug

    Mythic Packs seem to give the same rarity distribution as normal packs...
    I opened 4 packs and each had the standard NORMAL distribution.
    What's the point of differentiating between standard and mythic if the drop rates and types are the same?

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  2. Client-error on code redemption

    i redeemed code (Starter Kit 2023) which was positively acknowledged by the client ("Redeem Code Success"). The client however only showed the waiting animation for a while but did not present the redeemed items and still shows the two Starter Kit 2023 decks which I created manually as incomplete

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  3. LOTR Prerelease Packs Gone

    I entered in this code from the LoTR prerelease event on my Arena account:


    It showed that I claimed the six packs and told me that they would be available to open on June 20th, 2023. Upon updating the game, these packs disappeared. All I have now are the three packs given to everyone.

    Please refund immediately.

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  4. The wrong Teferi

    I got a Teferi card style in the store just now (PC). The store says it is Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim. The claim screen showed a different Teferi and indeed, I don't have a card style available for Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim.

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  5. ゴールデンパックの進行について

    本日13時前にイクサラン 失われし洞窟のパックを6パックを購入しましたが、ゴールデンパックの進行が1つしか進んでいません。補填をお願いします。

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Gems

    Sorry I'm not sure if this went through. I purchased 750 gems and haven't received them.

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  8. Golden Pack gives non-Standard cards

    Hi Wizards,
    I’ve just opened a Golden pack which gave me a card from the new LOTR set. I read the description on the main WotC that Golden pack only contains cards from Standard. Please help me to understand this

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  9. MTGA is way too expensive

    I already spend hundreds of $ to MTGA (and MTGO), but I'm done with it since Patch 2023.26.10 ( After that, I didn't spent any money and I won't do it untill there is a huge reduction in pricing. I loved to draft a lot, and would re-start playing drafts if pricing policy would be reduced.

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  10. Can't pay on mac

    I can't get to the paying interface on Mac os. If I get to the point where I'm supposed to pay it just hangs and I can't spend my money on the store.

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  11. Golden Pack Progress

    I purchased packs with gems and no progress to golden pack was made. Purchased more packs with gold and still no progress for golden packs made. Issue run into on PC. Stuck at 0 progress

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  12. pay bills

    Problem of not being able to pay bills via STEAM in Japan.
    I want to pre-order the Modern Horizon 3 pack, but I get a store error. I checked and there were several similar comments on the steam store comments from about 2 months ago with low ratings. 20 people a day are paying $50 a day, which means that at this point you have lost over $60,000 in profits that you could have earned. How is it that you continue to lose profits for your company?

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  13. Improvements have been made on store packs with MH3, but there are still issues

    I very much appreciate the recent announcement regarding Modern Horizons 3 on Arena that the commanders from the EDH decks will show up in store packs when a full playset of all Mythic Rare cards in the main set have been collected. I like the direction you are taking with this. That being said, the current Premier Set, Outlaws of Thunder Junction, introduced 30 new-to-Standard Mythic Rare cards in the form of The Big Score, and I am rather displeased with your handling of it in store packs. I think that this further access via duplicate protection when a full…

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  14. bundle may 20/2024

    Cheap Bundle removed from store?

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  15. Bought Pack, but Golden Pack meter did not advance

    I bought the MoM Pack in the Daily Deals, but the Golden Pack counter did not go up by one.
    Can you take a look and maybe fix it. Thanks

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  16. Bought Fallout Brawl Card Styles, can't change Evolving Wilds or Cultivate

    Just bought the Fallout Brawl Card styles, and I can't change Evolving Wilds or Cultivate to the card style (there's no heart symbol when I go to change it). Why is this error happening when I paid for this?

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  17. Optimization Recommendation

    Good evening, sorry for my English on Google Translate, I'm studying for a degree in computing and information technology and I wanted to report something that I tested at the Magic Arena today. In your game there is the option to enter a code to redeem gifts and products through a space in the store, where this space allows a large number of characters to be typed, I was even able to copy 90 characters to that location, it probably has this capacity due to the need to increase the size of codes as the number of combinations runs out,…

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  18. golden pack tick not progressing after purchasing pack

    did not get a tick in the golden pack progress after purchasing a MOM pack from daily deal
    saw people suggesting to ask MTG Arena support about it to get the tick so here i am
    i will be waiting for the response

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  19. Loading Store in iOS app causing program to force close/crash

    1 May 2024, 09:20PST: when attempting to load the store in the iOS app game app crashes/force closes with no error code given. Have tried multiple restarts of both app and device with no change in result.

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  20. Redeem Code Failure: Code Already Redeemed

    I recently started playing Arena again after a few years. I deleted my account a few years ago because I wasn't having fun anymore.

    When I created my new account, I tried entering codes for free packs and sleeves. However, some of the codes didn't work. I got an error message that the code was already redeemed, but I didn't receive anything for it.

    I only get the error message for codes that I redeemed on my old account, which uses the same email address as my current account. Is it possible that the system can't tell the difference between…

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