MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14032 results found
Not possible to see graveyard when sideboarding in mobile
When playing on mobile (OnePlus Nord), it is impossible to see the graveyard and exile when sideboarding, as the header covers it.
23 votes -
Remove Good Game Emote
If you removed the Good Game emote and replaced it with "Sorry you were Mana Screwed" or "Sorry you were Mana Flooded" (maybe both?) I bet people would use it a lot more.
9 votes -
I paid 2000 gems for a sealed, I was unable to submit my deck, then my sealed event disappeared
I paid 2000 gems for a sealed, I was unable to submit my deck, then my sealed event disappeared.
I still have the card in my collection, but When I go in the sealed event, It only offers me to start a new sealed event.
I'd like to be reimboursed my 2000 gems.....
15 votes -
Day/Night Not Functioning
I'm playing on a Windows 10 machine, with the version of Arena released today.
First game with the new set. I played two spells on my turn in order to flip my opponent's scary werewolf back onto its human side. The "Day" transition effect did NOT occur as my opponent's turn began. The indicator on the left side of the screen DID change to daytime (see attached screenshot). But my opponent's werewolf remained on its night side (see screenshot).
You might want to fix this, y'all. It's only, you know, the key functionality of the headline mechanic of the set.
11 votes -
Something is wrong with your shuffling system
- To recreate bug play on my account, I get absolutely ****** with my starting hands in draft I feel 85% of the time.
- Mac
- I always have to mulligan (~90% of time). I either draw 1/2 lands, no lands, or all lands. While my opponents mulligan ~30% of the time, meaning they get hands they are more comfortable with, way more often. Now if I stick with the 1/2 lands then I either get stuck only drawing lands or get stuck only drawing spells (~60% of time). My decks all have game suggested amount of lands/spells.
- I don't expect a…
14 votes -
Program close
The program close when on the play screen, before lanching a match. It look like a missing file: see debug.log
[1130/] FindFirstFile: Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable. (0x3)
6 votes -
not receiving rare ICR from midweek magic
I didn't receive a rare ICR from the first win in midweek magic, it didn't show anything and the gem count didn't go up. In collection there is no card with the gold halo and the "NEW" header.
11 votes -
Sparky Remained on Screen During Draft Pick
5 votes -
Stop giving us 20 gems in the rare or mythic slot. It is the only reason you want a pack to begin with and a rare or mythic is worth far far far more than 20 gems. It feels like we are being intentionally scammed. Just stop.
6 votes -
Rank point bug
Bug :
any play not change my rank point. (Unranked)10 votes -
unable to import deck
I can't test decks that i just built. Each time I try to select an other deck, the application shut down.
6 votes -
対応お願いします。6 votes -
halvar bug confirm
during the game, before the attack phase, halvar did not offer me to do his ability.
When it was the turn of the follower, halvar offered to move my equipment but it was impossible to select it or to cancel the action or even to confirm (0).
The only solution was to quit the game.Thanks for looking at this bug.
5 votes -
Concede on the sideboard screen
My opponent concedes as they say it was a bad matchup, goes to sideboard and concedes the whole match there and I just get 1 step in the ladder.
7 votes -
These timers are ******. If I have double the amount of scute swarms than tokens and my opponent all out attacks, I shouldn't be penalized by assigning my blocks. Situation- opponent attacks with 150 tokens +a handful of creatures, I have 240 scute swarms on the field, enough to block and attack back for the win. Opponent all out attacks and my * timers run out before getting all my creatures to block. Why am I getting penalized for assigning blockers. The same with my opponent, if he had a source to double his tokens, block my swarm and…
5 votes -
Blocking players
Please make it to where we can block recent players some people are sore losers and just exit the game when they realize they can't win. Then you have to wait for all of their time outs to expire before winning this has happened to me numerous times even with the same players I just want to Block them so I never have to play them again.
14 votes -
Music other than the Arena sound track.
Hello, I have a simple product suggestion. Allowing music other that the Arena sound track. I am currently playing on iOS and the Arena application will not allow any music other the the games sound track. I would like to use Apple
Music while playing the game.20 votes -
Friendly brawl not working
Friendly brawl does not allow selecting brawl deck, instead only allows selection of standard decks.
107 votes -
Here's why I'm making a deal with myself to stop playing the game:
When I log in on a MacBook Air, through the Epic Games Store, almost every single opponent appears to be running third party software with cheats. I see things where the counting rules go wrong, or absolute numerical impossibilities where it becomes a mathematical necessity to claim that my deck had been shuffled silently. Every time I observe a cheat, I concede as fair sport, and then see that text in the game menu has been blacked out - that part is a dead ringer for third…
7 votes -
Game used my timeouts when opponent went infinite
I was playing against an opponent that went infinite with scurry oak, soul warden and heliod, but while the triggers resolved the game was using my time outs, even though I didn't have priority. And I wouldn't lose to the combo, since I had nine live in play, solemnity in hand, opponent had less than 9 attackers, and my deck win with approach of the second sun, so infinite life and creatures wasn't a problem.
I was playing on PC.7 votes
- Don't see your idea?