MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14095 results found
got gems instead of a rare card when opening a pack of an incomleted series
I got 20 gems instead of a rare card when opening a pack of an incomleted series (kaldheim)
10 votes -
Authentication failed/Attach failed/Unable to join/Lost connection
As of today (31. August) I'm
1. unable to log in most of the time (1.png)
2. unable to join matches the rest of the time (2.png)
3. occasionally waiting for server followed by lost connection (3.png+4.png)PC/Windows(64bit)
17 votes -
Game sucks
The ******* game is ****. Tired of playing against nothing but goblins, elves and life gain.
7 votes -
Infinite loop
Player controls Heliod, Sun crowned and Soul warden, Constantly targeting Scurry Oak to make dudes, gain life, make dudes, gain life etc, and cannot be stopped by opponent only play the other player, which can go on for days, weeks, months, years.....
9 votes -
Land draw in sealed is just scripted.
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.
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14 votes -
No cards appearing in draft
Playing on iOS . Received a text during draft. Return to draft to find no cards to choose.
16 votes -
Android Crashes Constantly
The Arena app crashes every 15 minutes or so. It's been doing this since the August 24th update. Please look into this. This is not a connection issue or a broken phone. The app crashes randomly no matter what. Please don't dismiss this as if the problem is a bad internet connection or a **** phone. If the problem was on my end, I would have fixed it instead of posting here. I promise, I checked and double checked my end.
I love the Crimson Vow backgrounds. They're beautiful.
10 votes -
Love how you ignore the comments regarding how rigged the game is. Just adds validation to the issue. Shamelessly rigged and a blight to the MTG world. Sad that such a beautiful game has stooped to such petty greed. Speaking of greed, here is something that even imbecilic money grabbers like yourselves should understand.
; you would make so much more money if you enticed people to keep playing instead of turning them off the game due to its rigged functionality.38 votes -
Add store option to buy multiple packs with coins
Please add an option in the store to allow the purchase of multiple packs with coins in one transaction. Each set release I buy 50-75 packs with coins but can buy only ONE pack per purchase, requiring 3 mouse clicks per purchase. WTF?
6 votes -
ジェムの補償をお願いします14 votes -
Cannot select decks
Cannot select decks in traditional standard decks, but that decks are available for standard play
9 votes -
Cheating and hacking
Cheating is getting gout of hand you should put a place to were we can report cheating I have watch several different people pause the game menu in the next thing I know they have more cards than they had to begin with and magically all the cars they need to beat me when they barely have any cartridge to begin with you guys really need to check this out because it's really going to start f****** up people on anything
16 votes -
Matchmaking always making mirror matches
I have played today exactly 20 Historic Brawl matches, and 16 of them mirror matches. It's awful, tedius, completely unacceptable. This has made me absolutely angry and I want to vomit.
15 votes -
Unable to "Add to Decks" from Jump In! or other dra
Unable to "Add to Decks" from Jump In! or other draft decks. When clicking on Add to Decks, nothing happens.
5 votes -
Creature dying with Reconfigure creature attached doesn’t turn reconfigure creature back to creature
I observed in multiple games with the Neon Dynasty ‘Reconfigure’ mechanic, when a reconfigured creature is attached as equipment to a creature that dies it unattaches and moves to the side like equipment. It’s unable to attack/block like a creature and can only be attached to a new creature. If left alone for a turn or two it would sometimes turn back into a creature on a turn change.
5 votes -
Daily wins not recorded
I have won four games with an AFR Premium draft deck since the last daily quest reset, but only two daily wins have been recorded. Log file after my fourth win (after which the counter still said 2 wins) attached. I am not 100% certain, but I believe that a daily quest has completed in the same time, so it appears that it is only the daily wins that are not recorded. A restart of the client did not change anything.
14 votes -
can't join matches
Matches just say waiting for opponent and never find one.
Even Sparky matches say this.
14 votes -
introduce a method to make infinite combos faster, as in reality
Well that, every time I have the squirrel oak, the heliod and some creature that gains lives, and I have the infinite combo I have to create squirrels 1 by 1, it could be a method of when I put a counter to the oak, and the game Dectecte that I can continue putting counters ask me how many times I want to repeat this process, and be able to put a fixed number of counters, in number
7 votes -
Game freeze
While playing in a kamagawa premier draft I went second, played a red 1/1 haste artifact creature. My opponent responded by playing a 1R cost instant to do 2 damage to a creature and the game froze. I waited about 2 minutes and the exited out of the game, restarted my PC and then loaded the game and was stuck on a match pairing screen for 6 minutes. I exited out of the game again and restarted the computer again and restarted the game and it opened to a match loss and rewards to end the draft. This is the…
5 votes -
Ban Paradox Engine, opponent turns take way too long, it's boring
I just got blew up by my time outs being used in opponent's turn even though i was spamming space bar to pass priority, they were using Paradox Engine to go through every artefact in their library. Not a fun game but I was willing to wait as they were probably going to mill themselves however the game timer killed me. Just ban it, if it's not legal in commander it shouldn't be legal in historic brawl
18 votes
- Don't see your idea?