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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14357 results found

  1. Friendly Brawl vs Friends Not Working

    When challenging a friend to a friendly brawl match, my deck says there are 3 invalid cards. It does not say which cards are invalid. Also, if I try to edit the deck from the select deck screen, it shows the deck as standard, not brawl.

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  2. Not receiving Gold rewards

    Today I have been not receiving gold rewards from daily wins and from Cube Draft wins.

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  3. Tutorial don't block android

    I can't go pass the blocking in the tutorial because it don't let me block

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  4. I've been disconnected without notice while i was playing premier draft because servers were under maintenance

    I've been disconnected without notice while i was playing premier draft because servers were under maintenance. The game picked random cards and now it's impossiible for me to play. Please, give me my 1500 gems/10000 coins back

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  5. Draft Pick invisible

    Went to make a draft pick by dragging it to my deck, changed my mind and released the mouse button, and the card disappeared and I was unable to re-select it. I clicked another card and it was able to pick that but I was unable to change it back to the card I wanted.

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  6. Alchemy cards in historic brawl

    1. I made a deck in standard brawl, containing alchemy cards. After changing my deck type to historic brawl, the standard versions of alchemy cards persist but arent legal now. I can add the legal versions to the deck, but i cannot interact with the non-legal ones. 2.I am on PC
    2. Im not able to delete, move or interact at all with the standard versions of alchemy cards after changing deck type from standard brawl to historic brawl
    3. expected result: i should be able to interact with these cards even though they arent legal in the format.
    4. -
    5. If you found…
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  7. Enable banning players that abuse rope

    Some players abuse the roping system, clearly to annoy the opponent. It's extremely detrimental to the experience and to the community. Yes, you can report players but frankly no one know if anything happens at all after that.

    There should be a feature that if a player ropes every single priority more than 10 times on a game it allows you to ban that player so you don't ever play against that player again.

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  8. Mobile Graphics Options

    The graphics for the PC are great, but on the mobile devices, they seem to be a little too intense. It would be great too see options to lower the graphics of the game either in specific areas or in general on the mobile platform. My phone gets very hot running the game, and the lag makes it extremely frustrating. Lag is persistent, every game, and probably doubles the time of my turns. Please turn down our 6 create options for graphics!

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  9. Network Error

    Network Error on both Mac and IOS system dated 31 Aug 2021 from Canada. Gme start but when trying start a match of any kind an error appears, like Network error or unable to resign event. tried both with wifi and 4g, internet is working just fine

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  10. Disable enemy card hovering

    Do you approve of the annoyance caused by an opponent constantly swirling there mouse over cards and highlighting / flashing / whatever you call it?
    The feature has no value in the game.
    Please add a switch to DISABLE MOUSE OVER FUNCTION that causes card animation.

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  11. creepy puppeteer trigger not firing when enchanted

    When attacking with a [Creepy Puppeteer] enchanted with an opponent's [gift of fangs] and a [persistent specimen], the trigger to make the skeleton base 4/3 went on the stack, but when I said yes, nothing happened. This occurred twice in a row.

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  12. Always a cube draft

    Cube drafting shouldn’t be something that’s a “treat”. There should always be at least one cube draft format available to play. Currently my friends and I basically don’t touch Arena unless there is a cube draft going, which we really enjoy but it’s stupid to have a game you like that you can’t play for months at a time.

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  13. Not earning XP for wins

    So I bought the mastery pass thinking I would actually be able to unlock the whole thing by playing, but I'm not earning ANY XP for wins.

    I managed to unlock a grand total of 1 level today and now I am getting 0 xp.

    If this is not a bug I want my money back. Its either a bug or a scam. I'm hoping its a bug.

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  14. Can’t submit bug report

    Try to submit a bug report.


    See screenshot.

    To be able to submit a bug report.

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  15. Avatar & Pet crashes: Arena on iPad

    (1) about 1 out of every 8 matches on Arena (iPad) crashes after which I need to log back in to Arena. My chosen avatar then has reverted to Ajani and I can resume the match (with time lost!)

    (2) during deck building, when I want to change the default pet for a specific deck, the app freezes and have to go out and log back in.

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  16. Player Timeout punishment

    There needs to be some kind of report a player feature or an in game punishment that prohibits this toxic slowplaying mentality that most of the player base seems to have. If you're constantly seeing the rope on your turn for multiple games in a row, then you should start receiving shorter rope times. Do something to make it detrimental for wasting other players time.

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  17. freezing

    sick to death of Arena freezing on me, having to ctrl alt del then the game restarting with me losing a turn. It is happening twice daily before I decide I have had enough and stop playing. You need to get your act together MTGA is ceasing to be an enjoyable play experience.

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  18. Wildcards

    I was opening some packs from Innistrad vow and midnight hunt. i opened 6 packs each and earned 2 mythic wildcards and 2 rare wildcards and they didnt accurately post to my wildcard. attached is the log of what occured. since there is no other way to obtain wildcards other than buying packs I would like to actually receive the wild cards i earned, most especially the rares and mythics

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  19. 16 lands in a row

    72 cards, 29 lands. Drawing 16 lands in a row and nothing else should never happen in a shuffled deck.

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  20. game crash

    the game crash and when I try to join the match, the game crash systematicaly I cannot select deck or anything when I click on play button

    version : 2021.12.0.3961.902937

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