MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14053 results found
The Ozolith
The Ozolith's trigger says may transfer the counters to a creature, and yet it forces you to choose a creature even if you don't have any, leading to an opponent's creature having to be selected, leading to game losses.
74 votes -
More graphics options to improve performance
I have been running Arena on a system without a GPU lately. While I expect the performance to be lousy, I have noticed that some boards are worse than others. For instance, playing on the crystal and lava board associated with Ikoria cuts my frame rate to a quarter, making the game nearly unplayable.
If there were an option in the graphics prefs to force an environment override to something simpler, the game would be open to a wider selection of hardware configurations.
In addition, options to turn off some of the effects might be welcome, not only for performance…
11 votes -
Brawl decks not selectable
On PC Arena, when trying to challenge a friend to Brawl, our brawl decks are not selectable, only our standard decks.
33 votes -
Auto-tapper sucks
I really wish we could turn off the auto-tapper on Android. Or turn on the confirmation of auto-tap. I've lost way too many games to the game tapping in ways that make no sense based on what I have on the battlefield or in hand.
5 votes -
slow loading
Loading is currently incredibly slow for me on iOS. It took several minutes of black screen just to beging to load Initial Scene and now it's just stuck for minutes on "Waiting for Server". It's an Arena Open so I'm assuming it's server load.
8 votes -
Game froze during standard ranked match
in middle of a standard ranked match. Game froze in the middle of opponents turn.
32 votes -
After a victory, I lost a bar in my rank standings instead of gaining one.
The person I played against conceded the match and it said victory but I still lost a bar in my rank progression.
36 votes -
Friend tab is not working on iOS
Ever since the update making the friend tab reappear it is just not working on iOS (phone & tablet).
Friends are not appearing in the tab, it is not possible to set status to offline or busy, message cannot be received or displayed.Despite not visible it was still possible to challenge friends and the actions were working fine before the update.
The issue does not seems to occur on PC as the friends are properly displayed and message can be sent.8 votes -
creatures exiled instead of graveyard
creatures exiled instead of graveyard
I had 2 creatures killed that went to exile instead of the graveyard. Both with spells, but neither spell exiles a killed creature. there were no effects on the board that should have exiled creates.
26 votes -
Arena is stuck on "Retrieving asset manifest" on Mac
After yesterday's system maintenance, I cannot get any of my mac machines to get beyond the "Retrieving asset manifest" screen on Arena. I have tried deleting and re-installing Arena with the same result.
I don't know of any workaround, I'd be happy to try a workaround to get this working.
Thanks in advance.
13 votes -
Frequent Mac crashes
Mac client won't stop crashing. Happens everyday
53 votes -
black screen while opening the game
Whenever I click in the MTG icon to open the game, I get a black screen only showing the MTG's mouse cursor. It should open the game normally.
Windows 10
9 votes -
Friends List: Game indicates that I am offline, no friends list
Experienced for first time after the 25JUN2020 M21 update.
While in client, the friends icon in the lower left hand portion of the screen is empty and does not indicate a number of friends in game. When clicking on the friends icon, I receive a message "Offline - Go online to see your friends"; confirmed connection (the game is running and connection is good)
Image of the in game message is attached for reference
54 votes -
Draft with friends
Sales pitch: draft with friends for gold/diamonds. A causal format where you don't get win-streak rewards but get to keep the cards you draft.
I'd like to play draft with friends and covid gets in the way. I'd happily pay for the privilege of drafting with friends over and over.
8 votes -
direct challenge
Daily gold rewards should be achievable in Direct Challenge mode, not just Play and Ranked.
Much of the fun of playing Magic is playing with friends, but the need to spend time grinding for gold to keep decks competitive clashes with playing with friends.32 votes -
Upkeep stop not functional
Playing on mobile. Control the scarab God. Set upkeep stop to activate ability with trigger on the stack. Game automatically resolved TSG trigger without allowing activation. After scrying, upkeep stop would function as normal, giving priority before draw step
9 votes -
When I'm editing a brawl deck, skip the warning about an empty sideboard
My brawl deck has cards with the "learn" mechanic, because they're good even without "lesson" cards. Every time I edit the deck, the game warns me that my sideboard is empty. But there's no way to make it happy, because the brawl format doesn't allow a sideboard in the first place.
5 votes -
Arbitrary Not-A-Random control make game sucks: e.g. Tibalt's Trickery
Since one day, Tibalt's Trickery had become not work in its expected probability.
Obviously the tendency of that a card with lower mana value, even another copy of Tibalt's Trickery, is selected became stronger.
Even if user's complaints increases on some card, randomness must be inviolable. Arbitrary control make card game sucks.
Immediately, fix its shuffle system into true random one.9 votes -
Fynn, the Fangbearer should be banned immediatly!
all of the sudden you guys bring back poison counters? this card fynn is so overpowered its ridiculous, with any luck people using it can win the entire game by turn 3! there are no other mechanics in standard rotation to remove poison counters. This card effectively brings ones starting life total down from 20, to 5. even if it dealt 1 poison counter at a time it would be like bringing your life total from 20 to 10, but 2? makes each creature deal poison counters? plus its only an uncommon, when it ought to be a mythic rare.…
8 votes -
What about a 2 vs 2 mode in mtga ?
First, I hope you are having a nice day !
I was thinking about a format like the two-headed giant in commander, but in the direct game mode !
Rules would be the same as the two-headed giant mode in general :
Each team has a shared life total that starts at 20 life.
Each team takes their turn together, meaning they draw as a team, attack as a team, block as a team, and go through all phases of the turn as a team.
-The team that goes first skips their first draw step.
-Teams do not share any…
10 votes
- Don't see your idea?