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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14457 results found

  1. Deckbuilding: Can't select basic land as default like favorite sleeve

    The option to set one of each basic land as default like it is possible for sleeves is missing or I can't find it.
    When building a new deck MTGA suggests basic lands. They are all the same basic land which is fine for me - but they are not the version I like. Since I get displayed a zillion forestst from editions back to the stoneage it even takes a while to find the lands I need.

    What do I have to do to set 1 basic land of each type ( Forest, Island, Plains, Mountain, Swamp ) as…

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  2. Unable to click

    I'm using a mac, and it might be a bit laggy but I've experienced a lot of instances where I'd have to click the mouse button (or spacebar) 10 - 20 times before it's registered as pressed. Also, this problem has never occurred whilst clicking and dragging a card, this works always in 1 click. The problem comes up in the menu section (during gameplay) and all 'next phase' buttons. The latter sometimes does register that the spacebar is clicked (since it lights up) but then the program won't move on (to the next phase).

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  3. gameplay bug regarding daily quests

    Daily quests disappeared along with win total wheel. rewards were also not distributed.

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  4. Scute Swarm creates unbalanced game.

    Scute Swarm should be considered overpowered as it unbalances the game. I don't like the idea of banning cards but if ever there was a card to ban.. The screen shot below went from a fun balanced game to absolutely ridiculous in just 2 moves. This happens quite frequently when dealing with this particular card. If you lack removal for one or two turns it's game over. At least with a card like Book of Exalted Deeds you have a series of specific actions to take to make use of a whammy card. Scute Swarm does not nearly so much.…

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  5. "did you have fun in the match" dialog should always be available

    You should always be able to access the "did you have fun in the match" dialog if you want to report that a particular match was fun or unfun. The periodic polling is nice and should probably continue but it doesn't capture all instances of unfun matches nor does it give people a chance to recognize which matches were good. I wouldn't explicitly prompt people most of the time but there should be a button you can push to report a match either way.

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  6. WHY do you CHEAT your PLAYERS

    It’s been officially addressed that opening hands are manipulated.

    This is cheating by any standard.

    It’s been officially addressed that matchmaking is manipulated by deck content.

    This is cheating by any standard.

    WHY do you CHEAT your PLAYERS?

    The wonderful game of Magic: The Gathering has been turned into this obnoxious exercise in manipulated, cheating corporate greed called Magic: The Gathering Arena.

    It is not Magic: The Gathering.

    I am done with it.

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  7. 237 votes

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  8. Sparky needs upgrade, difficulty levels, and more

    I play Sparky to get a feel for my decks, but the vs-AI mode could be a fun, more challenging aspect to Arena. There is really a lot of untapped potential here. Here are some thoughts.

    1. Give Sparky more recent cards. Maybe from the recent beginner decks. The cards feel underpowered and dated. It just isn’t challenging playing with the most recent cards against Sparky’s older sets. I have noticed that the programming only allows it to play cards that have direct interactions (for example, Pacifism on one of my creatures). It is not programmed to play cards with activated…
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  9. brawl ranked

    Can we add a ranked version for brawl and historic brawl? I prefer this game mode and it makes me sad to see it's the only official mode that does not get a ranked version.

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  10. 750 Xp from quest not giving 750XP ( PC )

    Atm finished my daily quest for 750xp and not gave 750 xp , cause i'lll count on my daily win to lvl up my mastery and i was aproximatively at 200 xp before and after at 725xp, 200+750 is not 725.
    I'm playin on pc.

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  11. Auto-pass

    This has never been an available feature and has been pretending to be for months. We should really be more upset about this failure to care about the game.

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  12. Missing card

    Crazy I just got those card and it’s missing . Who knows how many other card has disappear from my collection.

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  13. Product Suggestion

    Please please please STOP with the pairing algorhythms and the obvious cheating that Arena does. Just give us random pairings by rank - thats it - no further manipulations. Let us draw cards randomly as you can with a computer and let actual skill determine who wins and not your obvious manipulations. What you are doing is reprehensible to a competitive player. The game is good if you would just stop the behind the scenes manipulation of what is happening.

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  14. Game either land floods or land screws. Fix your ******** game!!!

    Game either land flood for 5 turns or screws me for 5 turns. Fix your dumb game. FFS!!!

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  15. 48 votes

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  16. 26 votes

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  17. 21 votes

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  18. Bugs get buried under general player gripes due to bugs & feedback being handled as a popularity contest

    Gameplay bugs/issues need to be recorded independently from general feedback for application improvement. In the first place, voting for what to work on is ridiculous - you're not children; manage your own workflows and don't just outsource it to your player base.

    Secondly, by storing these together gameplay bugs are forced to compete against UI improvements, which is nonsense. You're a mature, out-of-beta application. Fix your bugs! "I was issued a game loss due to a bug" shouldn't be competing (and losing by thousands of votes) against "something something shuffler algorithm." These are two totally separate concerns and the former…

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  19. Mill is NO FUN


    I made a thread on the forums.

    I will not buy any cards if they are just going to be milled into the graveyard.

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  20. Receiving cards after already having 4 collected and in inventory.

    When you open packs, the cards given to the player are presumed to be random from the set they come from. I just received a card "Cleric Class" from the new expansion Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, after having already collected 4 of them, and the card is now nowhere to be found. I have not received gems, nor gold, nor a wildcard for this card. If the player is receiving cards that have already been collected to the maximum amount, why is the player not receiving a wildcard or gems or gold for the card that is received? There…

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