MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14457 results found
Didn’t receive mythic rare from mastery pass
Never received the mythic rare for level 52 in mastery pass
8 votes -
Daybound and Nightbound Mechanic not working
I was playing in a innistrad sealed event and my opponent had tovilar, once it became night it never turned to day again despite me casting multiple spells. Pretty busted for the werewolf player
5 votes -
Waiting for Opponent endlessly
No matter which queue I pick, I just get "waiting for opponent" endlessly, even on bot matches.
5 votes -
Only mulligan
I can no longer play the game, my only option each time I play at the beginning of each match is mulligan, the keep button no longer exist, I can mulligan and that’s it
13 votes -
Opponent's conceding counts as my loss
Unfortunately I'm not sure how to reproduce this, but I was just playing in an Arena draft, my opponent conceded, and some kind of bug happened where it was recorded as a loss.
36 votes -
Friendly Brawl Match w/Companion Doesn't work
Friendly Brawl match loads forever when trying to friendly brawl with Keruga in companion zone. Games work fine if I unslot him. All cards are following his deck restriction.
20 votes -
authentication failed
I am getting an authentication failed while trying to log onto the game. I am using an android and I have restarted my device.
6 votes -
Opponent Executing Inifinite Loop Exhausts My Timer
Playing on mobile using a Samsung Galaxy S9. During game one opponent executed an infinite loop using Cathar's Crusade and Scurry Oak. I had a wrath in hand so I waited for them to make their tokens. I tapped out all of my mana so I could pass turn without having to resolve their triggers. Opponent made about 80 tokens then passed their turn. I noticed that my timer had been running down during their turn even though I was never passed priority while they made tokens. My turn started, I drew a card and they won the match as…
7 votes -
Non-Standard Cards in Standard Ranked
Dear Wizards/MTG Arena
Please can you remove non standard cards from Standard Ranked matches. I believe if the name of the game mode is "Standard Ranked", players should be playing Standard legal decks. If I see my opponent is using one of these cards, I take a screenshot of the card and auto concede as I want to play standard games, not historic. As a result, my rank has gone down dramatically, causing me to be playing against players more likely to be running these cards, and so am stuck in a downward spiral.
I understand new players need cards…-
27 May 2021 - Murder.png 2622 KB -
27 May 2021 - Winged Words & Soulblade Djinn.png 3312 KB -
27 May 2021 - Woodland Mystic.png 4140 KB -
28 May 2021 - Fencing Ace.png 4102 KB -
28 May 2021 - Raging Goblin.png 4087 KB -
28 May 2021 - Angelic Guardian.png 3503 KB -
28 May 2021 - Murder.png 2958 KB -
28 May 2021 - Murder 2.png 3270 KB -
28 May 2021 - Rampaging Brontodon.png 3377 KB -
28 May 2021 - Soulhunter Rakshasa.png 3302 KB -
28 May 2021 - Murder 3.png 2924 KB -
28 May 2021 - Tin Street Cadet.png 4172 KB -
26 May 2021 - Fencing Ace.png 4164 KB -
26 May 2021 - Impassioned Orator.png 4123 KB -
26 May 2021 - Zephyr Gull.png 3077 KB -
26 May 2021 - Colossaal Majesty.png 3353 KB
13 votes -
matchmaking issue
I'm on Diamond 3 and I was matched against a Mythic #27, what is wrong with this matchmaking???
Also, his deck uses an infinite mana loop (Birgi + Prismari + Goldspan) - so OP.15 votes -
large stack turn timeout on mobile
reporting a bug.
I've noticed when I play on PC, my processing power can process large stacks instantly, whereas when I play on mobile (I mainly play mobile) large stacks are resolved one at a time. When I play a scute swarm deck I often have stacks of 100+, while my phone is slowly resolving each action one at a time, the timeout bar is used. I was just playing a game in comp where I triggered a 100+ stack 4 times in a row to gain the life I was going to need to survive next turn and then…
12 votes -
Network Error
Network error during tutorial. No recovery.
408 votes -
Lotus field stifle
On mobile iPhone after playing lotus field , you do not get an option to trigger or respond to it. It automatically sacrifices your two lands before you are able to cast stifle.
11 votes -
Scry Issue
Scry completely locks my game out and will not let me choose top or bottom. I am forced to wait for a timeout, and after that, I can no longer play cards. It takes a full reboot of the program in order to continue play. Most times I can make it back to the game in time but I have lost ranked matches because of this as well. This occurs with any card that triggers a scry. It doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue.
10 votes -
the script is rigged
I demand a refund of my latest draft. Look at the screen shot and tell me what kind of scripted nonsense is this?
I drew 13 cards and ELEVEN OF THEM ARE LANDS! The same opponent that I played against in the first round, I drew TWO LANDS from 14 cards!
I demand a ******** answer or I swear I am forming a committee to press a legal suit against WOTC for SCRIPTED CHEATING of players money and time.
8 votes -
Valkmira bug
Valkmira vs Revenge of ravens: suppose to prevent any 1 damage from opponent source, did not work at all
7 votes -
no mastery experience for daily wins
After the update today, I'm not receiving mastery experience for daily wins. I got wins 9-14 and the whole time my mastery tree was sitting at 975/1000 xp and never went up after the wins.
180 votes -
Block function
Sometimes, players display conduct that makes me just not want to play against them any more. I'd like the ability to block players so that the matching algorithm won't put me against them.
I understand that ranked play can't really accommodate that, but I can't think of any reason this shouldn't be allowed in the unranked queue. (Looking at you, opponents who stall with every last second.)
13 votes -
IOS friend request/challenge bugged
I’ve tried to friend request a buddy from work we wanted to challenge each other but couldn’t friend each other we’re both on IOS I have an iPhone 11 he has a iPhone 12. When we couldn’t friend each other via display name we tried email and nothing worked. That when we tried challenging each other and still that was bugged too. So I’m reaching out to support to help us.
18 votes -
Color Challenge
I have completed all my quest at Color Challenge, but I dont have some cards and cannot advance. ¿What should I do?
78 votes
- Don't see your idea?