MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14457 results found
Allow Direct Challenge URLs
Arena should allow URLs to open the client and prefill a Direct Challenge with format options, so that players can just pick their deck and go. This would allow Discord bots and tournament organizers to provide one-click match start solutions. The URL can be a HTTP URL that goes to a page that has an Open Arena button or auto-opens Arena; some OSes, like iOS, macOS and Android, can also intercept the URL and open Arena directly
For example, a URL could be something like this:
Starts a Direct Challenge between millenomi#90599 and example#01234 with Historic decks and Tournament…
6 votes -
Exquisite Blood and Marauding Blight Priest infinitely trigger each other
I've noticed in games lately that Exquisite Blood and Marauding Blight Priest have a very unique interaction where one causes you to gain life whenever you do damage, and one causes you to do damage whenever you gain life, causing one to trigger the other over and over infinitely until the other player loses the game. This means that having a 4 cost and a 5 cost black card, as well as ANY card that causes you to gain life OR deal damage, means you immediately win the game with no possibility of a counter, and can go from 20…
28 votes -
対戦を開始することができなかった。7 votes -
bosca86 is cheating.
in addition to Bosca86 cheating, please can i ask that you either bring back older decks or bring forward new ones as i seem to play the same life link hand every time and its getting boring. i used to average 60 %win now its prob 30% and all done to the hand delivered. same decks just who gets lucky. also i play my friend alot at this game and we get no experience or anything for the time we spend playing. this is a shame as we love the game but it doesnt benefit us to play with friends.…
5 votes -
Arena Android App Not Able To Connect To Server
Android version of the game boots up ok, but can't seem to connect to the server. Already cleaned cache and reinstalled the app 2 times and it persists.
16 votes -
too many players timing out of games
Too many players are abandoning games by annoyingly letting the timer run all the way down. I firmly suggest a system whereby a player gets three strikes: one strike per game abandonment by timeout. At three strikes, the player is suspended for 2 days, etc. At three suspensions, the player is suspended for a week. Something like that. There needs to be consequences for this, especially because some of it is malicious, but really all of it is a massive waste of time and it will cause player turnover (aka, fewer players around to participate, access products in the store,…
13 votes -
Interaction between Kenrith's Transformation and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild
My opponent cast Kenrith's Transformation on my Commander, Ashaya. Ashaya was made a 3/3, but still turned my other nontoken creatures into Forests.
51 votes -
Unable to cast from my hand
I was 4 rounds into a game and was suddenly unable to view the cards in my hand or cast anything from my hand.
6 votes -
Game Rigged ???
I have in my Deck 2 cards of a monster, During play I draw one of them and get to put it in my graveyard. Then, 2 turns after, I scry my deck , see that second same monster card and decide to put it at the bottom of my deck. 2 turns after that, I draw a card and it s that same monster, meaning like I have a third card of that monster but only have 2 in my entire deck. That game is rigged as *&^#$#. And that happened more than once.
24 votes -
Angel of Destiny
Angel of Destiny Broken at High life levels. I had a game I had to concede with a 200/204 Angel of Destiny where our life totals were over 1000 because this card is broken. Not sure what triggers it is failing, but a high life totals or if too many triggers go off this trigger does not fire. Gave my log if it helps, but from what I've seen many people have complained about Angel of Destiny and either it cannot be fixed or they don't care
6 votes -
Mauvaise traduction de texte Fracture
Bonjour, la carte Fracture a été mal traduite en français : "Détruisez un artefact ciblé, une créature ciblée ou un planeswalker ciblé." .
Ayant repris MTG Arena depuis peu parce qu'il est arrivé sur Android, j'ai fait un draft majeur aujourd'hui utilisant la carte Fracture et je ne comprenais pas pourquoi je ne pouvais pas détruire une créature, maintenant je sais et je me sens frustré d'avoir piqué cette carte en plusieurs exemplaires parce qu'il y a une mauvaise écriture du texte de la carte qui induit énormément en erreur et pose des problèmes de construction de deck.
Merci de…
16 votes -
Blood on the Snow cannot be played with manually tapped non-snow mana if you have other snow mana to tap
I tried to cast Blood on the Snow with three non-snow mana and three snow mana as I intended to activate Faceless Haven with my remaining snow mana afterwards. It would not cast and only gave me the option to cancel or auto-tap, with the auto tapper automatically tapping the maximum amount of snow land and leaving me with three floating mana.
7 votes -
Japanese text wrong→ Hypnotic Sprite
I made a mistake in the Japanese notation of the event.
5 votes -
Brawl Matchmaking Bug/Rigged
I played against 6 Esika decks in a drow when i played my Magda deck, always on the draw.
this is so ********.
i get that there needs to be some matchmaking for fair matches but this is so frustrating to me. doesnt even matter who won or lost. u cant tell me this is ok and a "fun" experience. there are tons of brawl decks and i play against the same one 6 times in a row?????
same when i play my tibals standard deck- 50% mirror matches. but thast another topic.
i dont wanna play like this at…22 votes -
Match REPLAY Option - please add this to the MTGA Client!
An option to Replay a recent match, to go around and brag about a mythic win over your opponent should be available in the game!
I just had this experience, that I wanted to share... and.... blah - not possible!
16 votes -
76 votes -
Draw Bug
I was rank 644 around 1:50PM and wanted to play a match to help solidify my rank. The queuing time was longer than normal and when I connected it said I got a draw. I checked my rank and went done 300 ranks. So close to the season end it seems obscenely unfair that my qualification is now in jeopardy because of a bug.
32 votes -
vault progress
After opening about 15 packs, found My vault progress isn't progressing. Can you please fix it. Thanks.
27 votes -
A liason
No spokes person for your bug reports? Am I under the correct assumption? I had an issue with a draft token after a Mstery Pass purchase not show up, remedied in less than 48 hours. Cool, as to be expected when you pay for something, you should receive all of what you paid for yes? My daily's are busted, bad.....bug report out there for weeks in addition to all those suffering the woes of daily's not populating, or the shuffler! It's actually hot garbage, it destroys lives, I and so many others just despise the shuffler, any response....just crickets, is…
5 votes -
no block function
please for the love of god give us a block player option. sick of all the non-players and auto quitters im getting matched with. it wastes my time and gaming time.
8 votes
- Don't see your idea?