MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
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- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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1612 results found
Leave Historic untouched!
Just leave historic as it is now.
We do not want rebalanced cards in historic. We want full copy of physical cards in historic no less, no more.79 votes -
"Set collection" tracker should only include cards actually in packs.
According to the set collection tracker, I am missing 13 cards from Kaldheim. So if I want to finish my collection, I should buy Kaldheim packs, right?
As it turns out, those 13 cards are special uncommons from Kaldheim theme boosters. I can buy all the Kaldheim packs I want, and it won't make one iota of difference towards the Set Collection tracker.
This feels horribly misleading. The Set Collection should only track the cards that are actually in packs.
7 votes -
Remove Alchemy cardd from Historic/Brawl formats.
I need to express my extreme dissatisfaction with MTGA/WOTC product Alchemy and request that you remove the cards from the historic and brawl formats.
I understand people like Alchemy, and so they should play the Alchemy format. They should not be allowed to dominate other formats with these cards.
I am INCREDIBLY distressed when ever I have to endure this inordinate disadvantage. I feel like all the time I spent building decks is wasted when playing Historic Brawl and a card hits the board that has onboard tutor effects, or allows a player to pull from a wish board/side board…39 votes -
60/120 fps support for ios/android
We need to be able to utilize both 60 and 120hz displays for mobile. I understand locked 30 fps preserves the battery life but it is not a big issue for tablet devices. There is an unofficial 120 fps solution for Hearthstone and it makes playing on my ipad so much more enjoyable and the game looks buttery smooth! Please consider it.
26 votes -
Alchemy historic
Wizards I’m never gonna give you another dollar if you make these historic changes,. It is ridiculous either make alchemy it’s own thing or don’t make it at all but if it gives you the right to nerf all historic cards you’d otherwise ban and ***** us out of wildcards…then why would I give you any money?
71 votes -
alchemy is a bad idea
alchemy is a bad idea
72 votes -
Hullbreaker Horror Should be Banned
Ok Hullbreaker Horror should be banned because: There are no counter-measures, because there are no cards in the valid sets to solve this issue: 1) I can't search opponent's deck and exile/destroy it. 2) There are no land which can destroy a creature (even there is Hullbreaker can bounce itself) 3) There is no emblem which can protect you from this creature 4) There is no ability counter spell in current valid format. So this card is cheating/bugged/joy killing... I have also this card in my library but I don't like this kind of gameplay. So I think I have…
41 votes -
Disable alchemy
I suggest an option to disable alchemy from Arena for hardcore magic players who are not interested in these new versions.
I understand that you are trying to be innovative and some players may actually like Alchemy. But, consider that the real MTG players don't want to be bombarded with spams of alchemy events and boosters.11 votes -
It's being said 1000 times over here, but simply upvoting others is not enough. I thought Alchemy was a joke when announced and said "Oh well, I'll never play that." Now after it launches we learn that the card changes affect Historic with no option to turn it off.
Absolutely unacceptable.
I will not play Arena again until this change is reverted.
64 votes -
Deck contains cards not in your
Invalid Deck: ... "Deck contains cards not in your collection."
This is the second time this has happened.
The first time I received this error I placed two "Plate Armor" into the deck when I clearly had two in my collection. Purchasing an additional one allowed me to save the deck as playable.
This time I am attempting to use two additional "Luminarch Aspirant" The screenshots below show that I have four in my collection. However, I receive this error when trying to save.
The interface also tells me I have four so I'm not able to purchase any more…
11 votes -
Do not destroy historic
Do not destroy historic.
Alchemy is a fine idea. Putting the rebalanced cards into historic is not. You are ruining a game mode that people have spent thousands on.
Keep alchemy balances on standard legal paper cards in alchemy.
It's so simple that it blows my mind you have ended up where you are right now.
It's even more stupid than the 2 wildcards for historic **** you tried to pull.66 votes -
Pauper on arena
Pauper would be an excellent addition to arena for gameplay, community usage of common wild cards, and for bringing in older sets.
Pauper is an excellent eternal format that is accessible in paper, provides reliable viability to midrange decks for players who enjoy midrange metas. It would also be endlessly accessible to players on Arena because most players have an abundance of common wildcards.
Most importantly, it would be an extremely easy format to code into Arena because commons are frequently textless cards or cards with very simple mechanics that already exist in the current arena card pool. Then the…
11 votes -
Paradox engine has gotta go. There's so many posts about it already
Paradox engine is maximum fun for 1 player and minimum fun for the opponent. I just watched a jodah player go from 6 life to floating mana on the new lotus artifact and playing everything in his deck for over 5 minutes until he had +25 on an ashaya and haste from Alena (sp? The green red creature that gives haste and plus power to another creature at combat). Not fun.
5 votes -
mythic booster
So, i just bought a mythic booster and instead i got a wild rare. I thougt that i would get a mythic wild or mythic card with this boosters. What's up ?
8 votes -
Solutions to combat stalling / roping?
Does WotC actually do anything about players who stall / rope games anymore? Reading the forums, it seems like they cracked down on it once 3 years ago, but no longer take active measures against it.
I suggest adding a rope under the profile tab that gets shorter each time your account is reported for roping, and once your rope runs out, your account is banned. That way people know their are real consequences for their actions, and that WotC takes player conduct seriously.
51 votes -
i dont care about standard or alchemy - do what you want with this formats. but leave historic alone. dont make it a life format, no rebalancing of cards, do not shove digital only cards down our throat. nobody asked for this. we want quality of life features, we want a better economy and we want pioneer. stop messing around. give us a non rotatind place to play with our cards, and most important STOP IT with this digital only cards nonsense!
61 votes -
I would love to see implementation of a "Spectator Mode" and supporting queue(s) and such.
If you want this to become an "eSport" contender, please enable a robust spectator mode, and supporting social frameworks:
1) Games can be "private" or "public."
2) Public games can be "spectated" [watched] by others.
3) There should be some method of finding games to "spectate" [a queue].
4) IMO, "Spectator" queues could list vital statistics for the match(es): (Usernames involved, user ranks [if applicable in ranked play], match duration so far [1:10:15, etc.], current life totals on each side, current # permanents in play on each side [maybe broken down by type? (artifacts, lands, creatures)], current number of spectators,…11 votes -
The Long Reach of Night
"The Long Reach of Night" does not make any effects at all.
It makes no effects when entered the battle field and upkeep.7 votes -
alchemy pass
Alchemy in free pass is terrible, I don't care about alchemy, as a lot of other players do not. I have 0 incentive to play the game while alchemy is the main reward for the pass.
13 votes -
Forcing alchemy
Stop putting alchemy as the default for decks and playing. I dont want to play alchemy. I hate it, the implementation is awful and has pushed me to not even want to touch historic.
On top of that I get put into alchemy que accidentally because y'all are trying to force it down our throats by putting it as the default deck building format and default que. I have never once wanted to play alchemy or make a deck for it.
If your going to put that garbage into arena at least stop trying to force me to "try it…
25 votes
- Don't see your idea?